Black Metal.

Zeph, thanks for the Behexen tip.

Unfortunately, the only album available yesterday was their last one. It was fairly cheap, so I got it. I'll definitely check the early ones, though.

Saw some people mentioning Lord Belial, I'm also a fan, pretty good, underrated band.

Finally got a copy of Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon :kickass:
Schwärzung;8661842 said:
What are some good Aussie black metal artists? The only one I've heard is Striborg, and I really enjoy it.

Abyssic Hate, Austere, Nazxul, Drowning the Light,Woods of Desolation.

All i can think of at the moment.
Just been listening to Forgotten Woods this evening. It has been in my collection for ages but I never really got into it. What a mistake. It's simply amazing.

Now the question is - does any of you know if the new album Race of Cain (by the new constellation with Neige) is anything like The Curse of Mankind?
Schwärzung;8661842 said:
What are some good Aussie black metal artists? The only one I've heard is Striborg, and I really enjoy it.

i was reffering to the old bestial death/war scene y'know,Sad X,Bestial Warlust,Abyssic Hate rule,i'd add Anatomy and Misery's Omen as well.