Black Metal.

White Tomb by Altar of Plagues, Loss by Wodensthrone, Black Cascade by Wolves in the Throne Room, S/T by Misere Luminis and The Malediction Fields by Fen are some of the best of 2009 so far
Oh and of course the new Lifelover
You just named all the most boring black metal releases of the year, actually.

Well, with the exception of Miserere Luminis, though that's still far from the top.

Sombres Forêts and Gris are still better and more distinctive on their own.
You just named all the most boring black metal releases of the year, actually.

Well, with the exception of Miserere Luminis, though that's still far from the top.

Sombres Forêts and Gris are still better and more distinctive on their own.

We all have our opinions. Yeah they are better on their own, but if you like them you might as well buy Miserere Luminis.
Well, have you not heard the new albums from Katharsis, Arckanum, Peste Noire, Tenebrae in Perpetuum, Drudkh, The Ruins of Beverast, Diamatregon, etc...? Hell, even the new Beherit is (okay, in my opinion) better than most of those. Just saying it looks like you've listed the most popular handful of black metal releases of the year (skipping too-obvious stuff like Immortal and Gorgoroth).

Here, this is my somewhat arbitrary ranking of releases this year:
Hell, even the new Beherit is (okay, in my opinion) better than most of those.

Wolves in the Throne Room — Black Cascade
Immortal — All Shall Fall
Beherit — Engram
Graveland — Spears of Heaven
Absu — Absu
Nazxul — Iconoclast
One Master — The Quiet Eye of Eternity
Acrimonious — Purulence
Fluisterwoud — Laat Alle Hoop Varen
Lifelover — Dekadens EP


wait, so you make fun of him for listing WITTR and Lifelover and tell him he's a step away from throwing in Immortal too then tell him Beherit's new release is better than all of those, yet it's all ranked in the same category on your little blog thingy there.