Black Metal.

there is no Pale Cacoon! bah! that's why it was so funny and the epiphany on the previous page so golden


Oh. I started getting irritated when I could not find any information on them. I got trolled, g.

New Lifelover is fantastic, btw. Seriously one of my favorite bm releases of the year.
Deathspell Omega is ruining black metal for me. They're setting my standards too high.
Funny, someone I just befriended on said almost the exact same thing in their shoutbox the other day. I agreed and said that for me, as of the last few years, there has been Deathspell Omega and everything else. They are just so far beyond anything else right now, to my ears...
Lifelover are absolutely terrible, and calling them black metal is a huge fucking stretch.

No. There's plenty of stuff much less black metal in sound/aesthetic that is still called black metal. These guys fit in right alongside many other very good bands, and you should record a video of you falling off of a trampoline and spraining your wrist.
Lifelover is more like poppy Katatonia rock + black metal elements than actual BM, and Deathspell Omega is ruining black metal for me in that they're so bad I have a hard time ever wanting to listen to it again.
Look, we've already established that you're a faggot from the GMD social forum, we don't need to hear your opinions on DsO too.
Deathspell Omega's evolutionary progress has surpassed the point at which it can possibly "ruin" the standards of the modern Black Metal establishment.
Do you download albums or have you really purchased that many 2009 releases?

I have a hard time buying too many releases the year they are released because there is soooo much from the past I still want.
I download most things before I buy them, save for a handful of bands I follow with great zeal. Obviously that list is top-heavy when gauging which things I've actually purchased, while I've skipped more and more as you go further down. I don't really have money to throw around on records I'm not positive I'll be listening to, so doing things this way is kind of a necessity for me. Like yourself, I struggle to even keep up with the releases I do want to own.
Look, we've already established that you're a faggot from the GMD social forum, we don't need to hear your opinions on DsO too.

As if you have anything better to offer? The pickings of those who have credible musical opinions on this forum are slim.
Being that of the name Zephyrus, pretentiousness lies within every self-empowering statement I make.

I couldn't help it. :p
He's second. He dropped down a notch when I joined the forum. They are my absolute, no questions asked, willing to suck their dicks, etc, etc, favorite band. Mmmm....Katafag=me.