Black Metal.

I've never understood why Deathspell Omega were so good. I've tried to listen to it a lot but I am always bored by it. I think it's more me not getting it than them being a bad band though because of how many people with otherwise good taste are so into then.
Nah, you're just a queer cunt and I don't like you.
So option 1? Go figure you'd choose the fag one.

I've never understood why Deathspell Omega were so good. I've tried to listen to it a lot but I am always bored by it. I think it's more me not getting it than them being a bad band though because of how many people with otherwise good taste are so into then.
I think it's just a matter of 'getting them'. I honestly didn't care for them for quite some time. Fas ended up clicking one day, though, and now I love the crap right out of 'em.
I think it's just a matter of 'getting them'. I honestly didn't care for them for quite some time. Fas ended up clicking one day, though, and now I love the crap right out of 'em.
I guess I'll keep trying then. It's hard to motivate myself to do that though when there is so much black metal and music in general that clicks with me right away.
I wouldn't worry about forcing it too much. There's plenty of other good stuff, so just come back every once and awhile. In the end, you may just flat out not like them. But at least you tried.

I'm listening to them now, actually. I'm enjoying it to some degree, but it's not the mood I'm wanting right now.
Man it's like that with me in regards to metal vs. other music. I mean, I loves me some neofolk, some acoustic tap, jazz fusion, romantic-era classical and such. But seriously there is so much good metal I'd rather be listening to.
Except that I'm plain bored with 95% of all extreme metal as I've told you already. Plus, I'm still infatuated with the new Katatonia. Ha, I just put it on again. For like the billionth time this week.

I did go on a major Darkthrone binge the other day though. They're one of those bands that I can't get bored of. When the new Ne Obliviscaris comes out I'll be on that for a while, too. I tried listening to Sacrifice and Slayer, but just couldn't stomach it tonight.
Deathspell Omega has just become one of those bands where nearly every damn part of every damn song is awesome for me, guess that makes me a fanboy or w/e..

Also there is absolutely no denying their unique riffing style.
I love that part in Shrine of Maddened Laughter that starts off with piano and then the guitarists play it really high up there on the neck and then they do that wall of sound starting off with a really hard hit on the tom thing that they do 534523451 times on Fas and then they go back into the high pitched guitar riff.

Or that cute little thing they do on Bread of Bitterness that would be a metalcore breakdown if it was produced differently.