Black Metal.

I guess I'll keep trying then. It's hard to motivate myself to do that though when there is so much black metal and music in general that clicks with me right away.

For me it's those releases that take their time to grow on you that will last longest. I have been trying to get into Deathspell Omega for some time now - say almost a year or two. Now I'm at 83% - just before complete worship.
I think it's just a matter of 'getting them'. I honestly didn't care for them for quite some time. Fas ended up clicking one day, though, and now I love the crap right out of 'em.

Agreed, I had 'Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice' for a while before i came to appreciate the music. Ever since the point of 'clicking' i've loved their music, definitely some of the top black metal to me.
Do you seriously not realize the irony in the statement "I'll listen to Lifelover, you listen to something gay"?

I don't find them gay, so it's not ironic to me. Or must we go into a huge debate based on opinion? I'm sure that suits you, because actual facts are not involved giving you plenty of room to look like an ass.
Seriously, though, I'm not one to spend time arguing on the interwebz. I simply like Lifelover, you don't. That's fine. But we can never agree. I also like the Cure, as well as many other people here. That could be considered just as/more gay than Lifelover. But if you like it you'd say otherwise. Opinion argument /end
Seriously, though, I'm not one to spend time arguing on the interwebz. I simply like Lifelover, you don't. That's fine. But we can never agree. I also like the Cure, as well as many other people here. That could be considered just as/more gay than Lifelover. But if you like it you'd say otherwise. Opinion argument /end

This was my fucking point. It doesn't matter whether or not something is actually 'gay,' which is such a stupid thing to say. But if you ask a random person with general relevant knowledge, what bands do you expect are more likely to be named, bands like Lifelover, Katatonia, Alcest, etc., or fucking early Rotting Christ, Hellhammer, Bathory, etc.? Obviously bands in the former category are much more 'gay' with respect to what one would generally associate with the term, meant in the least pejorative sense as possible.
This was my fucking point. It doesn't matter whether or not something is actually 'gay,' which is such a stupid thing to say. But if you ask a random person with general relevant knowledge, what bands do you expect are more likely to be named, bands like Lifelover, Katatonia, Alcest, etc., or fucking early Rotting Christ, Hellhammer, Bathory, etc.? Obviously bands in the former category are much more 'gay' with respect to what one would generally associate with the term, meant in the least pejorative sense as possible.

I never disagreed. My calling what he listens to 'gay' was merely to garner a negative reaction. We all listen to a lot of the exact same things, so to actually mean that would have implied that a good chunk of what I like is gay. Like you, I should probably use emoticons. Also, you just made me feel like listening to Rotting Christ. :devil::loco::yow::worship::OMG::Smokedev:
Wow, the new Sigh song is fucking demented. I like it. But I hope the album has some more tame, psychedelic moments like on Sonicscape. I can't see myself sitting through a full length of something like that song.