Black Metal.

Fuck, I need to put on Dark Tribe's In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie more often.

Whenever I do I'm like, oh right, this is one of the best black metal records ever. Fuck!

I find it's an impactful album if you only play it occasionally. It seems if I play it more often, it's like it doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. The riffs seem to follow a standard pattern throughout the album (ascent/descent/ascent/descent). I'm really interested to see what they can pull off with their new album this year.
Dark Funeral is the worst live band...ever! Am I the only one hating this new stuff. It sounds like anything off a Dimmu Borgir album.
I have been falling asleep to Filosofem everyday for the last two weeks. Burzum has a way of putting me into a trance and for someone who has a hard time getting to sleep it is very helpful.




Hahah. Actually, I could have included the Burzum debut album in that post, too, since the robed silhouette in fog is also seen in both of those above.
Yeah, the Burzum RPG ripoff has been well documented for years, but I'd never heard of the Necromantia one until yesterday. Though the fact that Varg basically culled two album covers from the same RPG manual cover has to give him the slight edge.
Keep Of Kalessin will play in next years "Eurovision Song Contest" here in Norway. I could not believe my eyes. Holly fuck, its going to be epic.

Eurovision Song Contest winner ala 1987:

Eurovision Song Contest winner ala 2010(?):
Deathspell Omega's evolutionary progress has surpassed the point at which it can possibly "ruin" the standards of the modern Black Metal establishment.

please shut up, that was so gay, it almost sounds like you were masturbating while typing this.