Black Metal.

Yeah, the Burzum RPG ripoff has been well documented for years, but I'd never heard of the Necromantia one until yesterday. Though the fact that Varg basically culled two album covers from the same RPG manual cover has to give him the slight edge.
Yes, actually, before I knew of the RPG book having been the source, I thought the self-titled Burzum album and Det Som Engang Var presented an interesting concept that was simply abandoned: start with a particularly striking image for one album cover, then pull back to reveal a larger picture containing the original -- and, theoretically, update the scope of this from album to album, pulling back to reveal a greater realm of ideas containing everything that came before.

Of course this wasn't the case and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is just its own thing (and my favorite Burzum cover artwork), but it seemed like an interesting idea. I'd like to know if there actually is anything like that out there.

Maybe Varg learned that he liked dropping the soap in prison?
I don't think that artwork is going to end up being the final cover image for Den Hvite Guden, but I wouldn't really care if it did. I mean, that's such a typical reaction -- do you get all weird and "ew penises gay" when you see art like Michelangelo's David sculpture? I'm going to puke if I see one more fucking idiot make a joke about "lol Varg learned something in prison, I bet nobody has said this yet..."
I think that concept still does apply to the first two albums even though the covers are essentially lifted from an outside source. Not that it isn't amusing.
Eurovision Song Contest winner ala 2010(?):
nice, fuck the haters. I still think Armada and Kolossus are great albums.
I think that concept still does apply to the first two albums even though the covers are essentially lifted from an outside source. Not that it isn't amusing.
Of course. Just would've been interesting if he'd continued the theme.

Nevertheless, as a pair of albums, even having lifted the art from a D&D book, the two covers certainly do make an interesting statement. To put it in the context of an RPG, even, it's an indication of the next level, the new domain to be explored, staying "in character". That impression of starting small and going on to explore a dark world beyond. I mean, if you've ever played a console RPG like Dragon Quest or what have you, that feeling you get when your little warrior steps out into the field, making his way to that first dungeon... That's the sort of thing I felt Varg was going for when I first saw that. Though I sort of doubt that he was ever into videogames, I'm sure the pencil & paper stuff offers a similar experience.
NP: Inquisition- Invoking The Majestic Throne of Satan.

This album is great. Heard about these guys a while ago and then forgot about them. was reminded of them the other day, picked this up and am loving it. Any other fans?
Inquisition absolutely rules. There's something genuinely occult and utterly evil about their music, especially Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult. The album you mentioned is the only one I don't own, I should fix that.



One of the finest post-2000 black metal albums. I really need to pay more attention to it.
That Höder and Loke pic on the new Burzum would do just fine if it was put into a better context, like a colorful forest. Now it just looks like a sketch.
Onyx is such a great album. One aspect of the album I only recently came across is the perfect drumming that pretty much tops off the awesome "wall of sound" texture that's going on throughout; and that was really only realized after listening to Dead Congregation repeatedly and getting the same sort of impression.