Black Metal.

Still really enjoying thev Limbonic Art album that I posted above - is that generally considered to be their best album? Here's my favorite song off it, how about you guys?

I consider In Abhorrence Dementia and Ad Noctum - The Dynasty of Death to be the two best albums. The debut is excellent as well. But only the first three songs are up to par with Abhorrence and Dynasty.

You can easily stay clear of all other albums from Limbonic Art.
Anyone heard the new Peste Noire album? It's sooooo good, probably one of their best. Really dynamic and unique band.

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Haha I could see that. They did/ do throw in a lot in one track especially Demonarque. I still liked it, but definitely a lot of ideas all at once.
In regards to Limbonic Art I will say that Ad Noctum - Dynasty of Death is their best. Not one of my favorite black metal bands, but I certainly gave all of their stuff a chance & that one is easily the one that stood out to me.
Apparently Thy Light are going to release their debut album entitled No Morrow Shall Dawn. Prepare to kill yourselves this year.
Yeah just gave the new Peste Noire a first listen. Really rad and screwy as always, but more focused songwriting than their last album, which I found to be a little meandering.
I haven't had chance to listen to the new one, as a whole, yet, but I personally found that L'Ordure à l'état Pur was their first release since La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénérescence that felt like it was actually written for themselves, rather than a misguided attempt to alienate the fans after the debut album had become so popular.

From the songs posted so far, it seems like the return to form wasn't just a one-off. I look forward to adding another gem to my collection.
Dunno if any of you were at Martyrdoom, but this band was one of the highlights for a number of people I've spoken to about the festival:


Hope they come out with a full length in the near future, I'm way impressed by the bass work and atmosphere. Reminds me of Blut Aus Nord in the best possible way.
^ I saw Thantifaxath live but the venue sucked so it was kinda awkward. I hate that place.

I just recently found out that some of the Darkthrone re-issues have commentary tracks by Fenriz and Nocturno Culto. It's pretty interesting to hear who wrote what, what inspired certain parts and what Fenriz likes and doesn't like on the albums. Apparently Where Cold Winds Blow is the worst song on this album.
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New Gris and Sombres Forets sound promising, as expected. Anyone heard either album in full yet?


I really hope they press this shit on some wax.
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