Black Metal.

I consider In Abhorrence Dementia and Ad Noctum - The Dynasty of Death to be the two best albums. The debut is excellent as well. But only the first three songs are up to par with Abhorrence and Dynasty.

You can easily stay clear of all other albums from Limbonic Art.

I listened to "In Abhorrence Dementia" and I must say that it has nothing on the debut album, which reigns supreme over all. Whiler the former may be somewhat "heavier," the debut album has far better symphonic/orchestral and keyboard parts and has a very unique sound, unlike "Dementia" which sounds more like a "conformist" black metal album. "Moon in the Scorpio" is the best black metal album I've ever listened to - hell, it's basically been the only thing I've been listening to for the last two weeks for so - and although some might criticize the drumming on this album, I really like the concept of the drums playing a more background and subdued role and allowing the keyboard and symphonic/orchestral pieces to reign supreme. Also, I strongly disagree with the idea that the first three songs on "Moon in the Scorpio" are far better than the others, since the last song has one of the best symphonic/orchestral pieces I've ever heard in a metal song - it starts at around 1:42
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Some good true black metal:

Kozeljnik - Sigil Rust
I listened to "In Abhorrence Dementia" and I must say that it has nothing on the debut album, which reigns supreme over all. Whiler the former may be somewhat "heavier," the debut album has far better symphonic/orchestral and keyboard parts and has a very unique sound, unlike "Dementia" which sounds more like a "conformist" black metal album. "Moon in the Scorpio" is the best black metal album I've ever listened to - hell, it's basically been the only thing I've been listening to for the last two weeks for so - and although some might criticize the drumming on this album, I really like the concept of the drums playing a more background and subdued role and allowing the keyboard and symphonic/orchestral pieces to reign supreme. Also, I strongly disagree with the idea that the first three songs on "Moon in the Scorpio" are far better than the others, since the last song has one of the best symphonic/orchestral pieces I've ever heard in a metal song - it starts at around 1:42

Yes, those two albums mentioned are pretty different from the debut. The debut is more atmospheric, whereas the other two are more symphonic.
I have to say I love Limbonic Art's first two equally, even though they're very different. I like Ad Noctum is very good too, but doesn't come close to the atmosphere of the first two.
Can someone recommend me quality black metal from the last few years? I don't like hipster music or that suicidal stuff, so none of that. Respect my tastes and I'll do the same for you.
Can someone recommend me quality black metal from the last few years? I don't like hipster music or that suicidal stuff, so none of that. Respect my tastes and I'll do the same for you.

I personally have a history with DsO and still appreciate them, but, based on your few posts, I assume you're more into the old school style so...since 2009 or so, excluding Engram which you already know.

Katharsis - Fourth Reich
Demoncy - Enthroned Is The Night
Faustcoven - Hellfire And Funeral Bells

And some good black/death like Grave Miasma and Teitanblood.

Edit: Ofc, the new Summoning. Also the new Fanisk might be worthwhile, but I've only played it two or three times, and I think I definitely prefer the first two albums.
Can someone recommend me quality black metal from the last few years? I don't like hipster music or that suicidal stuff, so none of that. Respect my tastes and I'll do the same for you.

Panopticon, Winterfylleth, Ash Borer, Paysage D'Hiver, Sombres Forêts, Cobalt, Wodensthrone.
Negura Bunget are a bit older but still very good as well