Black Metal.


I wish I could delete all of this shit and get back on topic.

Master's Hammer is better than your favorite band, even if your favorite band it Master's Hammer.
I should be getting the new one from them in a couple of days, I'll let you know what I think of it. I've only heard the really early Thrash stuff previously.
Profanatica definitely gets scene points for being so old. Surprising they are so far more unknown than Beherit, who basically plays the same style.

Fuck off to all the Leviathan haters. Leviathan RULES! I haven't even heard most of the demos. The 2004-present material is where it's at. I don't even obsess about The Tenth Sublevel of Suicide that much. The recent splits are far better. The two songs on the Xasthur/Leviathan split are both in my top 10 black metal songs ever. And I don't see how anyone could say Leviathan is cliched. The sound is different on basically every release, and I don't hear other bands much at all in Leviathan's sound. Lurker of Chalice is great too, of course. There's really nothing else like it out there, as far as I know. I have extremely high hopes for the next album, as it was written to be an album, where the previous two were just collections of songs accumulated over the years that seemed to fit together. More than half of 10th Sublevel, and about a third of Tentacles came out of the demos. I expect the upcoming album to be the most complete and focused to date.
[/fanboy rant]
not a fan of usbm much. but ive heard a bunch of leviathan and xasthur. the leviathan songs on the split are easily the best songs from either band. in fact, xasthur is just forgettable poor man's black metal. inexcusable nonsense.

even that weakling album is well...weak.
I must admit, of all the more renowned black metal scenes currently out there, I'd have to say the USBM scene is my least favourite. Until then I'll stick with Germany, and France.

I find bands like Wolves in the Throne Room to be 'good' but absolutely nothing more than that. This is obviously just an opinion but when their last album was first leaked, I gave it a listen and just knew it was going to be praised endlessly. I've never really understood the high popularity of what I would say are mediocre bands like Black Funeral, Xasthur, Nachtmystium, Krieg, Leviathan and other more 'popular' acts. There's some good American bands but in general I can't bring myself to care. And is it just me or do more American bands take after Burzum than most other 'classic' Norwegian bands?
^ I have to agree. No offence to the US'ers here, but I think the US scene, while not weak by any means, is hugely over-rated. I smell a hint of pride from the US fans here though :)

imo Europe still rules, hands down, and shows no signs of letting up.
However, recently I listened to the new demo from Gurtholfinn called "The Forest of Long Awaiting", an American band that is part black metal among other influences. It was a fantastic release and I think the best I've heard all year. It has incredible atmosphere and mood and is executed with a very raw sound. Albeit there is some stuff that could definitely be worked on and improved, but potential is definitely there.
^ I have to agree. No offence to the US'ers here, but I think the US scene, while not weak by any means, is hugely over-rated. I smell a hint of pride from the US fans here though :)

imo Europe still rules, hands down, and shows no signs of letting up.

The only USBM bands I actually enjoy are Averse Sefira and Krieg (and maybe a couple of others). The rest of it isn't that special to me.
^ I have to agree. No offence to the US'ers here, but I think the US scene, while not weak by any means, is hugely over-rated. I smell a hint of pride from the US fans here though :)

imo Europe still rules, hands down, and shows no signs of letting up.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that the US scene basically sucks.