Black Metal.

I'm seemingly in the minority of not only liking Destruction Ritual, but preferring it far and beyond to any other Krieg recording. It's so passionate and hateful - something entirely lacking in later works.

I like it as well, and if it had better production it could potentially surpass The Black House. Perhaps if Imperial did a re-recording it would help inspire him to once again harness a serious focus.
I'm seemingly in the minority of not only liking Destruction Ritual, but preferring it far and beyond to any other Krieg recording. It's so passionate and hateful - something entirely lacking in later works.
There are certainly parts I like a lot, and even prefer to The Black House. The intensity and hatred is a little stronger for sure. The Black House is more tortured than hateful, although I am not sure I buy Imperial's whole "nightmare" thing he talked about in the booklet.
There are certainly parts I like a lot, and even prefer to The Black House. The intensity and hatred is a little stronger for sure. The Black House is more tortured than hateful, although I am not sure I buy Imperial's whole "nightmare" thing he talked about in the booklet.

Why? What does it say?
I reappraised Samael's Ceremony of Opposites. Not as excellent as Blood Ritual, but pretty great stuff.When listened to on the stereo, it always felt kind of flat and blurry, but recently I listened to the album via headphones and it actually sounds a whole lot punchier and more immersive this way.
So I just listened to NeChrist. It doesn't really flow together that well as an album but the individual songs are pretty good.
I still prefer BR slightly more. It's darker and the vocals are more pronounced in the mix which adds to the atmosphere.

I love both, but I give the higher honor to Ceremony of Opposites. Better riffs and the keyboards are a welcome addition to make a perfect formula.
On another note, N.I.L. - s/t is growing on me

Seems we have diffent taste, I heard it once and it was painful to listen, Imperial doing trendy doom album doesn't inspire me much.... and the return of Krieg is hilarious.

People seems to forgot that the guy ripped many people's money in the past few years. While I enjoy older Krieg, I just don't like the guy behind it.