Black Metal.

Empyrium is an amazing band. Weiland is probably my favorite album by them, though it's not metal at all.
I FINALLY got to hear some stuff from Peste Noire today. I'm broke right now otherwise I'd have a CD from them on the way. But I fell in love immediately. Great great stuff, just in the few songs I heard on their myspace.
^ You really need to check out Empyrium, if you haven't already. Now their stuff is super-emotional. First two albums, get 'em.

I've been meaning to check them out forever & ever, but I just always wound up listening to something else... They sure sound like they would be something right up my alley.
Songs of Moors and Misty Fields and Where At Night the Wood Grouse Plays are my favorites by them.

Great folk/doom. I have a mix by them on my iTunes that I sometimes just let play before I go to sleep.
Where At Night the Wood Grouse Plays is my favorite of theirs, but A Wintersunset... is probably the better of their two metal releases.
Woah, how good is Blut Aus Nord's Ultima Thulee? I've listened to the new Taake, and I think it's very good. The production's a bit cleaner, and it does have a very angry sound like many have stated already. It definitely requires repeated listens to truly appreciate it.
They do both have different moods, and are very different in general. I know it's like comparing apples to oranges, but I happen to prefer the style of Ultima Thulee. I would say that it'd definitely easier to get into, even for a seasoned black metal listener like me.