Black Metal.

In regards to Aeternus; should I start with Beyond the Wandering Moon or ...And So the Night Became?

'...and so the night became' is more immediately accessible (totally full of hooks) and it's excellent - has a more rousing epic feel, more strongly DM-tinged as well. 'beyond...' is the better of the two though definitely, has this dense brooding pulsing snowy ambience that subtly soaks into you, for some people it takes a lot of listens to appreciate but it's so fucking good, really vivid and evocative.
I was sifting through my little collection today and came across my Velvet Cacoon-"Genevieve". When I first bought it I really couldn't get into it. But I gave it another shot today. Now I'm wondering why I didn't like it. It's really quite good. Any fans?