Black Sabbath - I don't get it

Disregarding the great influence Black Sabbath had on metal, I think that there are many many guitarist better than Tony Iommi, particularly in terms of technical prowess. There are too many to list.

Technical prowess is not the issue here; most of us can agree he was not the greatest guitarist in terms of skill. However, he was not a part of the advent of the "uber-technical" era of death metal and such, so you can't really hold that against him. I'm sure if he had been around then, he'd be a death metal guitarist or something.
Technical prowess is not the issue here; most of us can agree he was not the greatest guitarist in terms of skill. However, he was not a part of the advent of the "uber-technical" era of death metal and such, so you can't really hold that against him. I'm sure if he had been around then, he'd be a death metal guitarist or something.

Technical death metal is as boring as watching grass grow.
No, he lost them on his fretting hand. He had to wear little prosthetic things to play, and de-tuned to be more comfortable, which is where de-tuning came from.

Actually De-Tuning or different tunings were done by alot of other guitarists before Tony such as Keith Richards.... as for the prosthetics... he "has" to and not "had" to... Anyways when everyone else is referring to playing with two fingers they are referring to one of Tony's influences... Django Reinhardt (did i spell it right?). The Gypsy Jazz guitarist who mangled two fingers so he played with only two fingers... maybe three including his thumb...
Actually De-Tuning or different tunings were done by alot of other guitarists before Tony such as Keith Richards.... as for the prosthetics... he "has" to and not "had" to... Anyways when everyone else is referring to playing with two fingers they are referring to one of Tony's influences... Django Reinhardt (did i spell it right?). The Gypsy Jazz guitarist who mangled two fingers so he played with only two fingers... maybe three including his thumb...

Well, yeah, obviously it existed before him, I meant that's where it came from in metal. And yeah, has, if you want to nitpick.
Considering my views on subjectivity on the part of the music listener's determining said music's hemispherically intrinsic value haven't changed, I still say I won that one, both hands tied behind my back and keyboard unplugged.
Wanna hear a secret? It's my least favorite Death album, too. :D

It was that Demiurge fellow, in fact. Not Mr. Mornlithe Falconsbane. Geez, I wish I had the e-nutz to parade around with a name like that.
Comparing black sabbaths musicianship and skills,etc... with modern metal bands makes no sense at all to begin with and than throwing the term technical prowess when judging musicians makes even less sense. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed or anything and your post/thread still is baseless and makes no sense. You might aswell use the same argument towards Zeppelin,Mountain,etc.
The thing with metal is you have bands in metal that formed because say Sabbath or then say maiden and with newer generation metal you basically have sub-genres in the style because some people have such different idea about what metal is or should be or what early bands are the most metal,etc...

Atleast compare musicians who are similiar or base musicianship on playing. As you said something about Tony Iommi being blues based so start from there...