For sure I can't be on location to witness this magnificent set of 4 consecutive shows...but in the name and honor of Oden and by the power and might of Thor I hope that they will again not just record but also film these shows for a 4 DVD package, I have already reserved money for them...

This is a pioneering showcase of death metal excellence, truly a deed of culture!!!
My setlist wishes:
Ride for vengeance
The dragon's flight across the waves
Without fear
Victorious march
Friends of the suncross
Amon amarth
Once sent from the golden hall
An ancient sign of coming storm
Pursuit of vikings
Valhall awaits me
Runes to my memory
Twilight of the thunder god
Free will sacrifice
Guardians of asgaard
Bleed for ancient gods
The last with pagan blood
North sea storm
God, his son and holy whore
Legend of a banished man
An ancient sign of coming storm
Where death seems to dwell
Valhall awaits me
Cry of the black birds
Twilight of the thunder god
Free will sacrifice
Tattered banners and bloody flags
Bastards of a lying breed
Masters of war
The sound of eight hooves
Risen from the sea
As long as the raven flies
A fury divine
Annihilation of hammerfest
The fall through ginnungagap
Releasing surtur’s fire
Gods of war arise
Cry of the black birds
Prediction of warfare
Fate of norns
Pursuit of vikings
Guardians of asgaard
Tattered banners and bloody flags
The hero
Death in fire
For the stabwounds in our backs
Where silent gods stand guard
Versus the world
Across the rainbow bridge
Down the slopes of death
Thousand years of oppression
And soon the world will cease to be
Live for the kill
The hero
Embrace of the endless ocean
Fate of norns
Once sealed in blood
Gods of war arise
With oden on our side
Prediction of warfare
Amon Amarth is definitely one of the best and the most interesting death metal band of our time!