Bloodshed Over Bochum

My money is on its way!! That was seriously easy and no extra charge to boot. So long as you have a free checking account with them, it is a no cost transaction (which helped when I saw that 77 euros converted to $127.69).
fucking bank cunts. i can't transfer my $$$$ across and my invoice receipt says until 06/07 so that means i'll have to order again. i had invoice #24 ha! i emailed the people who send out the tickets to explain to them my situation...hopefully they hold my order until i get the bloody bank...although i'm sceptical about going to pay for it today because it's after the 6th.

Grr, my bank is annoying me, I finally got a call back today from a manager. I can transfer funds, with a $45 fee, because it's such a small amount. Bitches
I'm in the same damned boat as y'all.


My bank (U.S. Bank) wants to charge me $50 for the transfer... without even having the common courtesy of giving me a reach-around. WTF?!? :lol:

Anyhow... tomorrow i'm just gonna go open an account with Washington Mutual and, HOPEFULLY, be done with it. It's like knee-jumping through hoops for these tickets. Christ.
Unless you're from Germnay, print the invoice you get, take it to the bank & they'll know what to do & get it sorted. Thats what i got told to do, thats what i did, now im just waitin for the tix to arrive in the mail.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT......Those are the best looking tickets ever!! I would just buy the tickets even though I wouldn't be able to afford the flight over.