
Originally posted by Morgana
It's a biography over 440 pages...

*yawn* Any new insights?

Hehe, no, just kidding. :D I guess it was a good read, since you've been holding out till the end.
I've read 2 books by Arto Paasilinna lately ("Ukkosenjumalan Poika" and "Jäniksen Vuosi" - in German of course :D ). now I'm reading another one by him ("Elämä lyhyt, Rytkönen pitkä" )
and apart from reading real books, I read an unhealthy lot of "Geisterjäger John Sinclair" stories :spin:
Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series.. my opinion is it's better than Tolkien's series. Though not the same setting, one could not really compare the two.
There are currently 4 books out, and #5 is on the way.. part 6 and 7 will be out in 2003.
Cut&Paste from the back of one of the books:
"Set in a world of extraordinary circumstances, filled with stunning visual imagery and unforgettable characters, The Dark Tower series is Stephen King's most visionary piece of storytelling, a magical mix of fantasy and horror that may well be his crowning achievement."

I am currently at the end of the third book, and it just keeps getting more and more interesting.. .. a warning: some people may think the first book is a little slow.. but the first part is also the worst.. though I myself found it very good, some might not. So don't stop reading just because of the first book.. it gets better. :)
I just read "The bloodcountess" of Andrei Codrescu...
Well written story about Elli Bathory and one of her descendants.Quite bloody :) but Andrei draws a very sharp and enchanting picture of the countess and her time.Really worth reading!
sorry for those who are regulars on the Borkies board and already read my post there (nothing new for you here :p )

I ordered a book called "JGTHM. Juhr Gait Tu Hewi Mettäl" ( :grin: )which is a satire upon Heavy Metal. It is said to be written by a Metal fan (probably essantial for the topic) and got praise for being extremly funny (given you can actually take it when he kinda makes fun of things you like). Should arrive tomorrow.
(oh yeah, copy and paste rules sometimes ;) )