
"why and how a real necronomicon sudenly appeared more as 50 years after the death of Lovecraft ?"

:err: Those texts are of Babylonian origin and were in existence many centuries before Lovecraft. All he did was use them as an object of intrigue to build some fantasy tale around.

" why nobody did found an exemplar of the book in the possession of Lovecraft ?"

I don't know - maybe they didn't look in the right place?

I am not a fiction reader. I have no time for it. I read to learn and only read fiction when it was required at highschool and university.

Derleth must not have researched his subject matter very well........

"i think i am too rational to believe in stuff like that ... after all, i am doing long scientif studies :)"

well there is certainly nothing wrong in being rational :) Most scientific people I know think the same way and that's fine. Different people are conditioned to think different ly as dictated by their given interests. :)
Aegis - Lovecraft = fantasy. Even his "version" of Necronomicon is made up to fit in with his story. His fictional version is also known as the "bastardised version". This paperback book that was printed in 1980 and it's "spellbook" is for the most part "useable", but not complete. I think these books were probably produced just to feed the money machine anyway.
Anyone who tells you there's ever been any "real" Necronomicon is either gullible, or lying.
It has nothing to do with any ancient mythology - how could it, when it does not even exist? Anyone who's read a "Necronomicon" is victim of a hoax.
The "Necronomicon" is a fictional construct of Lovecraft's: there is *NO* mention of it before he wrote about it in his stories.

To claim that he was using a "bastardised version" of a book that he himself made up for use in his stories is preposterous to say the least.

Allison, please don't call Lovecraft and Derleth "irresponsible" or "badly researched" when they're writing about something they made up themselves!

See also Dan Clore's website:
Ey! Luguber! I've seen you lurking on this
board, never thought I'd see the day
where you'd actually post something!

We have quite a few lurkers here with no
posts at all! >:eek:P Am I the only one
noticing this?
Originally posted by Luguber
What, you can see who's reading the forum at any time?!

*looks around*

And here I thought I was operating in secrecy!

*hides behind a rock*

Well, if you go to the Vintersorg forum, above
all the threads you can see who's viewing
this forum :eek:)

If you don't want people to see you're online
I think you can turn this off in your profile.
Welcome posting anyways >:eek:) Hope to see
more words from ya!
Welcome to the board, Luguber. :)

Yes, the whole forum has a utility which has the users's names above which forum they are viewing, and lists which users are online. You can turn it off if you feel paranoid. *We're watching you*. :)

I turned it off for a while, but got weirded out when it said I was offline when I was online, and switched it back on.
I mentioned some book about runes and their "magic" some time ago... but I forgot the title, now I found it :) I think Fjelltussa and Morgana wanted to know...

It's "Handbuch der Runenmagie" - handbook of runemagick (spelling?!) by Edred Thorsson :)

It's really good I think, tho maybe a bit difficult to understand in the beginning :)
Some books I can recommend:

The Dune series by Herbert West
Pern series by Anne McCaffrey
Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
The Hitchhiker's Guide by Douglas Adams
WoT, as already mentioned ;)
As many others here I've read the Wheel of time series although I got stuck in the middle of the fourth book and I don't wanna start over hehe. But I'll take time soon. Hmm, better make some use of my post now. I've recently read the book "The diceman" by Luke Rhinehart. Got the tip from At the gates - Slaughter of the soul album where they've use some quotes from this book. It's a partly psycological book and about people should break free and do what they really feel. And that the society is the one that's crazy not us.
If society is crazy and not us (understood that it was the book saying this, not you, but anyway), then who or what are society? Aren't society us?

Just a thought..... (I seem to like arguing.... and I guess I do....)

Ay well, last book I read was about Jack the Ripper, and the book was called Murder & Madness. Written by psychiatrist, law psychiatrist and psychoanalycist David Abrahamsen, and it was very interesting. He proved there (as far as it is possible to prove anything in that case) who JtR was, considering who could be able to do these things that JtR did. It also explained a lot about what can make a person do such things...

The same guy has also written a book about Son of Sam, it seems. Would be very interesting to read that one to. He had personally talked to Sam, and put a diagnosis on him.
i HATE reading book except for one that reaelly was AMAZING!

Its called Beam Me Up Scotty
its about this recovering crack addict who goes around killing other junkies cause thats the only way he can relieve him self when he wants crack.I might make the book sound like shit but its NOT
it really is a good book.
Hmmm, sounds kool D_S... I wish I had the time for reading books, which is one of my fave things to do... But the only books I´ve time for reading is "Ecology - principles and applications" and "an intruduction to populations ecology" ... Sounds good eyyy? :D Nah, but interesting, I can tell you that much...:)

-phyros (gonna sitt down and enjoy a good book soon (lotsa oo´s.:D Prolly something with Asimov, he´s soo amazing! )
kewl! I read it like eight or nine years ago, and then it stood at the back "new and last book in the series, coming soon" well, soon= nine years..? Hehee.. Great indeed, so that I finaly will know what happens!

Uhm... Books... well, this just made me think of
"About A Boy" written by Nick Hornby (my fav'
author) it has been made into a movie, just like
"High Fidelity" (that one was not good on film),
and I can't wait to see it.

It'll probably suck though, cause it's with Hugh
Grant and he does NOT look like how I'd
pictured the guy in the book! lol