Borknagar: For the Elements (1996-2006)

I really haven't noticed the difference with the CDs I have so far bought from the States. I always take a good look at whatever I buy when I get it, but... haven't noticed anything that obvious so far.:) I don't care much for digi-books or digi-packs (the few of them that I own have all been bought in Europe tho), as for the printing, like I said.. I just haven't noticed any particular shoddy things. Seriously, with buying CDs from outside of Europe, I'm able to buy twice as many as before. I never buy many at a time anyway, since I don't have the cash to spend on them, but this does allow me to at least squeeze in one or two more every month. Maybe I've only been buying the ones that aren't ov crappy quality?:D Maybe it's just dumb luck, but so far really... I'm perfectly happy with buying CDs from the States. The only CDs I still buy over here are either used or stuff with lowered prices.
I really haven't noticed the difference with the CDs I have so far bought from the States. I always take a good look at whatever I buy when I get it, but... haven't noticed anything that obvious so far.:) I don't care much for digi-books or digi-packs (the few of them that I own have all been bought in Europe tho), as for the printing, like I said.. I just haven't noticed any particular shoddy things. Seriously, with buying CDs from outside of Europe, I'm able to buy twice as many as before. I never buy many at a time anyway, since I don't have the cash to spend on them, but this does allow me to at least squeeze in one or two more every month. Maybe I've only been buying the ones that aren't ov crappy quality?:D Maybe it's just dumb luck, but so far really... I'm perfectly happy with buying CDs from the States. The only CDs I still buy over here are either used or stuff with lowered prices.

Ah well you have to be an expert on this matter to notice the difference ;) (and believe me, there is a difference).

Fuck this. I tried to sign up for that CDMISTRO site like 5 times it just keeps resetting my form... bullshit.

FUCK I hate them so much!!! It's amazing, they have so many great items @ great prices, but their web-page is horrible!!! Besides, they only ship to people who actually live in the US! For example, one time I made an order of about $50, and well I started to get worried when it didn't arrive after a month and a half. Contacted them, and they said the order was cancelled. Thanks for letting me know you bastards!!!

When somebody gets it could you upload it? I'll still buy it obviously :) .
Like I said, the one I ordered cost 2 dollars!:D It was from a big seller, some sort of music store. And they did state in their FAQ that every item they sell is 100% the real deal. So if they fuck me over, I'm going straight to ebay and paypal and complain.:D I doubt it'll happen tho, we'll see. I think they had like 40000 transactions done so...they can't be sending out fakes to people.
I bought my For The Elements CD when I was on vacation this week. I wanted an actual full length, preferably the self titled, but this was all they had so I got it. I like the booklet details about the history of the band and the albums and what surrounds them, Very interesting. I just wish there was more than one song than on the self titled, I've gotten only to the end of the Empiricism part of the CD, I'll get through the rest tomorrow. :p :)
could those, who already have the cd at home, please post some pictures of the booklet? i'm really interested how it looks like
^I should do that, add me to MSN and I'll try to take some today and send them to you sometime this week for you to upload. :)