Brew of Choice?

Of course, their's a greater chance of blindness drinking this than moonshine so I drink in moderation and only when I feel like Superman

Thats only with the homemade stuff, the real absinthe that you can buy in Europe is perfectly safe. Great stuff, and different kind of drunk and no hangover :loco:
Dos Equis Amber on tap.
Becks Dark bottle.
I can also hang with Miller Lite and Coors Lite if that's what is around at the time. I'm usually cool with just about anything as long as it's not a draught like Guinness. That stuff is like motor oil.
Boddingtons, hands down.

Used to be Rickards Red until some friends and I started sitting down and rating what we drank. Up to now, we've rated 248 different beers, and Boddingtons has rated first or second on everyone's list up to now.

If anyone's interested, you can check out our complete ratings of all 248 beers at

mrthrax said:
victoria bitter,i spose u guys wouldnt get it overseas.

Yeah, we even rated that one, it was the first of a few Aussie beers we've rated :grin:
GregadetH said:
My bro-in-law who's a Marine sent (read smuggled) me a bottle of Absinthe that he got in Amsterdam. I can put away some of the hardest liquors out there and let me tell you,this shit knocks my dick in the dirt. Of course, their's a greater chance of blindness drinking this than moonshine so I drink in moderation and only when I feel like Superman. :lol:

Czech Republic is the one of two European (?) countries where you can buy absinth legally (the second is either Spanish or Switzerland, not sure), that´s why Marilyn fucking Manson loves to come to our country. My brother once smuggled absinth in a wine bottle to USA:Spin: it´s killer but I don´t like it very much. Causes hallucinations sometimes.
I have what I like to call my 'four horsemen' of beer. This would be Coors, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Fat Tire, and Guiness. Corona and Heinekein are pretty good too. If the wallet is pretty thin, then I have no problem partaking of the malt liquor variety. I.E. Mickeys, Steel Reserve, and if I'm really broke Natural Light.