CD rack or shelf?

Flaming Death

It must have been strange
Jul 23, 2002
Hey, I was wondering what everyone who uses to store their CDs? I have a shelf but It is out of room. I have 400+ CDs and just want to know what would be the best thing to keep them on.

I use a bookcase. That way, they're easier to organize and safer from damage... my cat kept attacking my CD racks and knocking 'em down. =\
I took LaserLine 60 count plastic cd racks (3 rows, 20 in each) And put them in my bookshelf. they fit perfectly in height. There is a lil extra room on each side so I use that room for metal DVD's, vinyls, and all my digi-packs (which i keep in resealable plastic sleeves). The bottom shelf is for box sets. Works well, but im running out of room...
yeah, I just rearranged a little bit. I switched my DVD case and CD cases. I have room for 50 more cds or so now. I might put my music DVDs with my cds too.
I wish i had a nice place for my Vinyl but i only have like 20.
Just whatever you do, dont leave your CDs in a flimsy CD rack by an open window on the top storey of a building on a windy day.

Yes, I did this. I regretted it.

Now my CDs are all kept in a posh wooden case in the corner of my room. It even has a light on it. :D
Flaming Death said:
I wish i had a nice place for my Vinyl but i only have like 20.

The best way to display vinyls is on the wall! I only have a like 10 vinyls(mostly picture LPs), some are signed, the rest will be soon. After that im gonna get some custom frames made and hang them on the wall.
5thSeason said:
haha. I just like keep them in good condition. digi's tend to get yellowed and beat up pretty bad. I started keepin them in these sleeves and they really make a difference.

now that i think about it, it does sound like a pretty good idea...what kind of resealable sleeves are you talking about? like zip-loc bags?
nah they arent zip-locs. my friend owns a record store and he puts them on all CDs he sells that arent factory sealed. He gave me a ton of them for my digi's. Ill take a pic of one later and send u a private message with a link, so u can see what im talking about.
i think i know what you're talking about...the same store i go to has them too...i doubt they would give them to me for free you happen to know anywhere on the web the might sell them? i only have about 2 sitting around from past CDs