chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Haha, how often such little things bring people together, while something major not necessarily going to take you where you want to be :D

All is just long series of coincidences :heh:
@DS: Hooray! :D

Haha, how often such little things bring people together, while something major not necessarily going to take you where you want to be :D

All is just long series of coincidences :heh:

You have no idea how true I think that is. I always get yelled at by people for 'just getting by' through long series of near-impossible circumstances. Makes one want to believe in fate sometimes.

Haha, I'm reminded of the sayings from the Wheel of Time series. ... Which leads to me thinking that half the time I'm reading this thread, I imagine a bunch of us as the main characters standing around all saying the others understand the opposite sex so much more.

~kov. (It's probably a bad thing that I imagine myself as Mat.)
I think Hyena's a bit right on this.

See, I still remember how my gf and I first 'clicked'

Yeah, but... you did click, after all. So, in the end, clicking is important. I couldn't stand someone just because she causes me no trouble or gives me an easier life. I need to feel for her, then struggle to make the relationship work out when things turn out for the bad.

I think hyena's insight on that wasn't high philosophy: people believing that just by clicking everything will be fine are idiots, loving requires personal effort, quite a lot. People believing there is no true love and aiming to avoid loneliness... might live below their possibilites. They also will assume less risk: no exposure or vulnerability, for example, if you wanna see this as something positive.

@Fireangel: Thanks for your thoughts on this. Yes, well, I think I'm showing my fears here, as I feel that I often don't get what I expect from people, that I'm surrounded by individualists or jerks. So I fear that they will vanish as soon as I'm no longer source for their needs.

The higher your demands, the harder your life will be...

Ing: Yeah, I realize that it wasn't exactly an earth-shattering revelation, but my only point was that we had hung out a couple of times prior to the clicking with seemingly nothing there. Rather, she thought I was pretty cool, because I wasn't a pretentious asshole, and I was going for engineering (which seemed an odd combo at our school), and I thought she was pretty cool personality-wise as well, but there wasn't really any spark until we just chatted for a couple of hours alone. (The oddest part is that I can be a very shallow [as in, I often find myself subconciously weighing looks above personality] person, and we clicked even though at the time I wasn't really into her physically [Not that she isn't attractive. Far from it. She was just sneaky about it. Ahh, the trickery that comes of frumpy sweaters.]. Oddly enough, the thing that really got me was that I mentioned the type of music I liked, and her response wasn't puzzlement and rejection, but rather a wish to know more about it. She wound up not liking it much in the end, but her open-mindedness hooked me.)

(No, Plintus, not that kind...)

So I guess my point was more that 'working at clicking' might not be totally unjustified as a point of view. Sure, if you hate each others' guts, why bother - but in general, the 'click' might not occur right away.

After a bottle of Martell VSOP Medaillon it feels really wonderful. Last day of work this year, damn. Great. Wish you all everything, cheers! :p

I'm th eonly one at work today - hopefully no one else is coming. Just got a few things to take care of, so - no rest for the wicked.

All next week as well. Have no reason, passion or desire to celebrate anything, will see how everything goes, but no plans whatsoever :)
Eh, but joy is a firm and dry handshake that unexpectedly turns into a caress.

You know the Silence of the Lambs scene where Hannibal and Clarice's fingers meet through the bars? I had it down to a T today with someone who is far beyond my grasp but still the only man who gave me (cheap) thrills in the past year - he probably did it unintentionally, but that's the total coolness of it.

This said, a splendid bottle of Rémy Martin was available in the office today, then I proceeded to more drinking while at dinner with mates, and really I am drunk as I am on every December 22nd. Hooray for being drunk.
Konrad and I are in belgium; and now we are about to leave to go to a family party. Not all my family will be there and as no one has muth money to spend, there probabily wont even be champagne... a family feast without champagne before we eat :/
My dad messed up the "mousse au chocolat"; i should have done it myself :p i knew it!
I have the feeling that this Christmas will be strange...

Oh yeah, and internet at my parents's suck really bad, it doesnt want to work in my room, because we only have a crappy modem and the worst router ever. i have to use my brother'computer; with a damn french keyboard, takes me forever to type a line...

Oh and for the record, i also have a good news: i passed my math exam; even though only about 10% of the class passed. I have no idea how i managed to pass
@DS: congrats! i wish i could pass my math exam too, instead of having nightmares about it :p

NF: fine, my boyfriend's here :D and i passed a weekend in lapland, that proved to be more or less the place of my dreams, as some sort of great birthday present :)
season's greetings from me as well.
i'm reading a booklet about the correct approach to sexuality, written by a jesuit priest in the 1960s. i found it while stacking my new bookshelves today and i suppose that it was bought by one of my parents when they were young. or maybe an uncle who was a priest handed it to my dad, i don't know. it cracks me up, except that it doesn't.
We open ours on New Year's Eve.

Merry Christmas to everybody!

And congrats DS for your exam. :)
Cheers from England! I finally have some free time to post hehe, so I'll wrtie a bit about me trip in Europe.

Well, I got to Madrid safe and sound, but only for a brief amount of time, since ca.45 min after I go out of the airport, I notice that something in my pocket is missing: my wallet!!!

I got robbed, fucking shit, 400E down the drain! : :Smug: ::erk: :cry: :ill:

And a credit and a debit card and some ids. :mad:

Ah I was so fucking mad, but now I'm kind of over it :cool:

And well the rest of the trip has been quite nice, I have been to Switzerland (Schafhausen, Zurich and Basel), Belgium (Brussels, drank lots of Krieg
:headbang: :kickass: , ans I ate a typical Brussels meal, some bunny with beer hehe :) :kickass: ).

Then I went to England, first to Dorchester, lovely town, I love the British country side hehe. I stayed with a frien there so we had a great time.

Then I went up to London, and went to a Maiden concert!!!!


It was great, I got a shirt a book and a poster! Fucking great to be one of the few CRns that has actually seen Maiden live :headbang: .

I went to Oxford too, and went to the bar/pub in which Tolkien and C.S.Lewis went to, The Eagle and Child. Quite amazing for me, since I am a big fan of both authors hehe.

Then I went to London again, and I'm still here :p .

All of this time I've been with family over here, so I don't have much of a choice to do things, but I certainly have had a lovely time.

I do have a had a lot of really bad encounters with my sister, it just is that we don't get along, to the point that I'm starting to truly hate her.

Well apart from her partly ruining my trip (can't wait to separate tomorrow!!!), it has been a great time.

Oh and I'll see Finntroll,Sodom and Legion of the Damned tomorrow!!!


And without the bitvh of my sister!

:) :

And I'll also see The Gathering on the 27th, can't wait!!!

Cheers :kickass:
@lbrh: yeah, the eagle and child = magic moment for me as well, i was overwhelmed by the sheer feelings.

@plintus: are you serious?
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