chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Reading all the postings about fights with parents and what-not feels quite odd to me. I've always had a superb relationship with my parents and I try to visit them as often as possible. They live about 250 km's away but me, my fiancée and our daughter try to get there at least every two months for a couple of days. If not more often. Also my mother drops by at least once a month to hang out and play with her grandkid. I just celebrated christmas with them, my bros, their wives and kids. Brilliant times!
On Christmas Eve my friend for almost a year Alfredo threw himself off the roof of his building, fifth floor. Miraculously... he managed to survive. If he was lucky or not, only time will tell...

Now, two days before that I met him for a coffee, just the two of us. I knew he was different, I knew he was tormented and had issues with drugs that he kept dragging. He told me he dropped his job and was perceiving the unemployement salary (err... or however it is called in english). He seemed happy about it, he was eager to meet a common friend who was coming back from Ireland for a visit, he even talked about travelling for a while.

And I thought: hey... I'm pretty upset with my job too, I think I need a change... I could use some time off, studying, travelling, going to the gym, spending time with my gf without having to worry to wake up early. It seemed a great idea. And then, two days later... he commits suicide.

Now I think that what scared me the most was the fact that I saw something about me reflected in him, some of my fears also pushing him to that roof. And since Christmas Eve, I've put in doubt everything: should I drop the job? Should I dump the girl? Should I move anywhere else? Should I keep studying this degree?

At this point, I believe I have to take a course of action and see how things go...

If you can't drag someone off suicide intentions, suggest at least something more civil to part ways with this life, cuz jumping off the roof is so ewwww, and if you don't succeed - it's gona hurt, or you gona stay handicapped (which is so much worse).

I tried jumping off once, and you know, I'd better go for pills one last time; I changed my whole perspective on life after that, and I never pulled any stunts ever after, and that cost me only a broken... ankle or foot, not sure, never went to the doctor, was hopping for like 5-6 weeks on one leg.

Still - jumping sucks.
Red Bull kinda helps to stay up - very intense week, 4-5 hours of sleep every night (tops), and there's this party 70 miles away at 11 pm tonight where I'm definitely going.

Yet I have hard times putting a few words together, but alcohol should do it.
Seems like this whole engagement thing is looking like it's gonna happen soon. Its funny the concerns that crop up once something like that is actually about to happen, as opposed to just being something to talk about.

Although both sets of parents seem cool with it, so I guess everything is good.

Seems like this whole engagement thing is looking like it's gonna happen soon.

Wow, engagement, quite an american cultural tradition. We have something like that, here, it's called "prometerse", but I don't think it has any significance nowadays, people eventually just decide to get married, set a date, and then their lives just go down the hill unstoppably... you know. But they don't get engaged in the american kinda ceremonial sense, nor they use "fianceé" ("prometido/a") as americans tend to do.

Hahah. Yeah, but then again, you specced survival, which made me flinch. So maybe that's what we're destined to do to each other.

I think it's a testament to the relationship that we've been able to stand each other for so long without going batshit crazy. We just think it's about time to acknowledge that.

Edit - post |ng: Yeah, I guess it is mostly an American thing. It's mostly an announcement of "Hey, we're going to get married. Just... not just this second." Which pretty much works for us, because we've decided to hold off the actually wedding, etc., until she's out of her PhD program.

~kov. :p
Yeah, it's the only downside to speccing out of survival. You don't get to put 5/5 into Imp. Bachelorhood.

(If you were wondering, each point increases your chance to resist Incapacitating, Polymorph, or Slowing effects by 20%, but decreases your resistance to Fear and Horror [of commitment] effects by the same amount.)

By the way, if you get married - you pay lower taxes, right? I know tehre's a catch somewhere... cuz that "happily ever after" doesn't quite cut it for me


//hey, how come we never had phone sex with you??

If you can't drag someone off suicide intentions, suggest at least something more civil to part ways with this life

No. If you can't talk him/her out of it, you call help. Be it ambulance, police, or a fucking priest. When someone tells you about suicide, he/she is asking you to stop him/her, on the subconscious level at least. Your reaction might decide whether or not he/she lives - a false alarm is better than no alarm at all. Giving any "tips" how to kill oneself is not a good idea at that point.

If you want to warn your friends about certain ways of suicide, you need to do that long before they think about killing themselves.

Well, nothing is going to kill you like a deep fried Chinese take-out I was feasting on a minute ago.

To each his own. Yum.
Well, nothing is going to kill you like a deep fried Chinese take-out I was feasting on a minute ago.

To each his own. Yum.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah I though of killing meself too once, luckily I didn't and I am very happy of that (thanks Mrs.Gigi you are my everything :Spin: :D :D :worship: :oops: :) ).

So Kov are you getting married?

EHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!! -really, I'm glad 4 ye-

Ing why do you say that? Some marriages DO actually work!

Btw, I'm in Hamburg, greta city, even greater metal shops. Went to one today and spent like 200E o_O :headbang: :kickass: :worship: PWN :)

Bye vom Hamburg!
Uhhmmm... how was that rule? "You can measure the significance and trascendence of your post messages in a board by comparing the size of your writtings and your signature: if the latter outstands significantly... you've contributed to the magnificent art of silence".

Or... something on account of that. No offense, just remembered that... :loco:

drank lots of Krieg

Kriek, not Krieg :p, and it doesnt mean "war" :lol: in fact, it doesnt mean anything at all.

Thanks for the congratulations :)

The Christmas eve family party was a bit strange, because the wife of one of my uncles was drunk (she is a bit of an alcoholic) and she was just telling bullshit all the night, anyone was fed up with her. And my other uncle just kept on annoying her all the night, so it went worse.

Couldnt go on internet for the whole week, as my brother took his laptop with to go to a guitar camp, and i couldnt get the right internet setup for my laptop :mad:
Now we are at Konrads parents and the internet is back :heh:
Uhhmmm... how was that rule? "You can measure the significance and trascendence of your post messages in a board by comparing the size of your writtings and your signature: if the latter outstands significantly... you've contributed to the magnificent art of silence".

Or... something on account of that. No offense, just remembered that... :loco:


ohhhhhh :zombie: , and no im not offended.
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