chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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So fucking true :D
Fuck the kids, people, use rubber (I love kids, by the way).

Don't mind kids as long as they're not mine. But yeah, it's mostly this odd societal impetus to reproduce 'before it's too late' that's causing all the fucking problems. If people would wait until they're mature enough to have kids (sex, whatever - follow plin's advice), half of these problems wouldn't occur.

My fiance and I aren't planning on having kids at any point in the near, or distant, future. We're thinking dogs. At least they'll behave.

(And it's been said before, but what the hell is with people always saying "Oh, you say that now, but you'll see..." whenever you tell them you don't want to have kids?)

"He listened to Schlager and techno, was usually in groups of like-minded people (his beer buddies - a dangerous crowd), watched football and formula 1 racing, only finished the minimum school-years and had no sense of fashion whatsoever."

:lol: you just decribed what we call a "baraki" in Belgium (i dont know any word in French or in English that fits to that term).

plintus said:
So, I assume, German people are lazy... and no wonder looking at Taliesin - he doesn't even shave!!1!
he does shave. Not every day, but he does :Smug:
:lol: you just decribed what we call a "baraki" in Belgium (i dont know any word in French or in English that fits to that term).

Hehehehe, funny thing, my girlfriend is from Belgium, and she kindly uses that term to nickname me. :p Same thing in spanish would be "garrulo".

@Kov: Well, looking at it from that point, their reasoning is rather correct: most of people won't ever reach an acceptable level of maturity, so in a way it will be too late, guaranteed. Better reproduce "before it's too late". :loco:

@Plin: Haha, caught me. Yeah, I guess it was a bit of a plug.

And she doesn't mind the goatee and sideburns. She doesn't like them when I let them grow too long, but in general, they're not bad. I just need to lose some weight. It's not too bad, but I have this really bad feeling that my goatee is all that's deliniating my chin. (It's really not actually anywhere near that bad, but I'm vain that way.)

@|ng: I thought your response was pretty good (it's a different view - made me think quite a bit), and when I scrolled quickly, I thought your sig was part of it. I find it rather funny that I didn't think it out of place.

And she doesn't mind the goatee and sideburns. She doesn't like them when I let them grow too long, but in general, they're not bad. I just need to lose some weight. It's not too bad, but I have this really bad feeling that my goatee is all that's deliniating my chin. (It's really not actually anywhere near that bad, but I'm vain that way.)

Wanna lose some weight? Shave it off - there you go :heh:

I can't look without pain at my old photos where I still had some "facial hair"... I was drunk most of time, which is a poor excuse, but I wish them photos were blank as my memory of those days (they are stored nowhere near my HDDs, so if the DVDs with them goes missing I won't be crushed).
all the kids debate: well, if people wait until they're "mature enough", they will do as most of my colleagues do - have 2 yr olds around when they're 40, and complain that they can't take the physical fatigue and strain. big fucking wonder. and i'm going down the same road, so i'm really all words and no action.
@nick: *glomps* where have you been?

and no kids at the moment - i have a huge mortgage, wouldn't know how to support them. :p
My fiance and I
It's fiancee (or fiancée) for you, btw. :p

And congratulations. :)

The reason? Some schoolkids bullied a disabled classmate, filmed the scene with a mobile phone, and posted the movie on Google video.
We had a similar incident here a few months ago. Some schoolkids allegedly group-raped a female classmate of theirs during school-takeovers and filmed it using their mobile phones. From what i remember the whole case was quite cloudy, actually dicsussing for days if it was really a rape or not, and the main issue here was the immigrant one since the girl came from an immigrant family. Of course if the girl wasn't an immigrant and the other kids were 'bad' kids from 'bad' families with antisocial behaviour and so on, this kind of discussion would never have happened. And sadly enough, noone brought forth the issue of lack of law and security during school-takeovers (you know, when the kids close down the school and stay inside for days in support of some demands).

It's kind of disturbing to see the same behaviour in schoolkids happening all over the world with slight variations in the 'details'. And makes you wonder how dumb today's schoolkids actually are to post on the internet their crimes like that. :p
@siren: exactly! i'm not surprised at the abuse per se, school violence is not news. but the sheer idiocy of posting videos on the internet? where did that come from?
I blame the media. Not for the kids raping or mauling or pillaging or plundering their classmates, but for all the silly and preposterous attention the "post it on the Internet" part gets. TV media are notoriously pretty much the bottom level when it comes to actually providing information, and it's obvious that they only aim for the catch-your-ear effect. Somehow, the audience is mesmerized by words and concepts they have some difficulty comprehending (and with good reason: most ideas about how "the web" works are so outlandish that they're probably completely made up), so they're treated to a daily dose of "this was posted as a video on the Internet" and "they sent each other multimedia messages with footage of the rape" and "he threatened to podcast her cheating ass into the blogosphere". They make it sound as if a (comparatively) new technology is either a partner in crime or plain simply to blame for someone's deviousness or stupidity. Clearly, people in their lives respond to this by assuming it must mean something to use and abuse instruments like the Internet instead of, say, a normal land-line phone. There's nothing remotely interesting in kids raping a peer and then talking about it on the phone, but - oh boy! - let's just wait until they use one of them computer things to write it on their virtual diary on line and people will flock to hear about it.
It's fiancee (or fiancée) for you, btw. :p

And congratulations. :)

Thanks :). And yeah, so much for spelling.

On the topic of the 'put it on the internet' bit, well, I think Rahv got it mostly right, in that it's mostly just for sensationalism. Sure, kids bragging about it over the phone isn't as interesting, but purely that fact makes the logic a little disturbing. Basically, bragging to your immediate friends about an illegal and depraved act is ok, but god forbid you put it up on the internet for everyone to see.

Bah, work interrupting my posts again...

All I know that I had enough sleep tonight (prolly the first time this year), and I had a dream which looked much like Saw (the movie)... Only I was Constructor of Death, yay! Terrifying nonetheless :D
My fiance and I aren't planning on having kids at any point in the near, or distant, future. We're thinking dogs. At least they'll behave.

So true :) I have a 3 year old daughter and I love her to death. She's fucking crazy though and I have to admit I sometimes ponder the question "What if we would've gotten a dog instead!?", hahahaha :lol:
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