chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Thanks, LBRH! Hope you're having fun livin out my dream of touring all those places :)

NF: Still kinda crappy. I felt ok this weekend up in Boston with the fiancee (gonna have to get used to typing that instead of 'gf'), but now that I'm back I feel that same twitchiness (which is still, oddly, accompanied by drowsiness - it's like my mind is totally asleep, but my body won't shut the fuck up).

So here's a question for pondering - and LBRH might be able to help me out with this, considering where he's at - is it likely that this could be some kind of physical manifestation of the effect the seperation is having on me mentally?

wtf ???what are you doing???are you getting stalked by all morons and thiefs of europe?? twice on one trip, thats horrible. Im really sorry for these europeans who did that.

I´m also sorry for him being robbed, especially since he´s in one of the safest countries in Europe. I would offer some advice on how to keep to one´s belongings, because I´m quite successful at that, but I doubt it would have any effect, seeing that he usually acts (okay, on this forum, don´t know about real life) airy and chaotic, with everything being a huge drama and sensibility always completely lost on him :D

Sorry LBRH, now tell us what happened both times, so there could be a slight chance on preventing it the third time :p
Overweight... wow.

Is that a standard fee or it depends on the weight of extra luggage? Anyway, I understand once, but twice... eh, you got to drop some shit (not your wallet this time).
As far as I know, Ryanair keeps the fares low but charges a lot for pretty much everything else, and has stricter limits on luggage than regular airlines.
But even so, if you are going away for a longer time, it´s always a lot of stuff to carry, especially when it´s cold where you are going to. If that´s possible, I´d buy a parcel a the post office, pack it carefully and send some stuff home.
As far as I know, Ryanair keeps the fares low but charges a lot for pretty much everything else, and has stricter limits on luggage than regular airlines.
But even so, if you are going away for a longer time, it´s always a lot of stuff to carry, especially when it´s cold where you are going to. If that´s possible, I´d buy a parcel a the post office, pack it carefully and send some stuff home.

Here's the catch with lower airfare, they say that a greedy one pays twice =) Plus - one more reason to travel when it's warm =/ Can't imagine traveling in a fur coat *shrug*
I think I even own a few items made of those materials, but I can't recall where they are now... it was +21C this Saturday and sunny, you know (normally around +5 - +7 C, if I remember correctly).
It's really been uncommonly warm these past few weeks. Had some nasty rain today that ordinarily would probably be snow.

I'm really hoping for a terrible terrible day of snow this year. I need at least one. Snow somehow makes me a little happier in winter, and I'm not really sure why.

I'm really hoping for a terrible terrible day of snow this year. I need at least one. Snow somehow makes me a little happier in winter, and I'm not really sure why.

I heard of otehr white stuff which makes you feel better any time of year. Some call it "snow" too.
In otehr news: the space for parallel parking they give students to park their car in NJ is RIDICULOUS. Well, add 6-7 feet to the length of a 4-door sedan (Toyota) and 50% more depth. I'm practicing on +3 feet (tops) and about 1-2 feet extra depth. Well, it's not all that perfect, but for the first-timer (I've never driven in my life) I'm OK.
Hehe, sounds like fun :p
Parallel parking is what fucked me up on my first driving test. Accidentally clipped the curb pulling out of my spot. (After parking successfull, <sigh>).


EDIT: Makes me think of a question I meant to ask. Do you guys normally listen to music (like DT, in particular) while driving? Do you find it affects your driving at all?
Hehe, sounds like fun :p
EDIT: Makes me think of a question I meant to ask. Do you guys normally listen to music (like DT, in particular) while driving? Do you find it affects your driving at all?

Absolutely! Well, the driver is OK with that usually, I'd prefer to drive in silence at first.
nf: ew. my scooter's gas pump broke down in the middle of the road, so the whole vehicle was flooded by hot fuel. nothing caught fire, thanking the almighty heavens. but i had to get home, call the insurance guys, have them pick up the vehicle, sign the paperwork and i was done just about now. of course tomorrow i have to leave on a week-long business trip so i won't be able to see the mechanic, but this is not too bad because a friend of mine lives just above the mechanic's shop and will take care of everything.
while i was standing like an idiot in the street, signing the insurance claim, the alarm of a nearby motorcycle store started for no reason and it's not giving any sign of stopping soon.
moreover, i also think i have the beginnings of a flu, and i haven't even packed for my trip.
Hallo from Stockholm! I love this city, lots to do and man, I thought that only Mikael was nice, but now I notice thjat Swedish people are SO friendly and helpful!!! I love that, they always smile and tell me the exact and correct address!

Unlike those German bastards (no offense), 'cause in genral terms they were oh so fucking full of themselves, I hate that so much. Plus, they don't give the correct addresses ans they don't even know where they're standing IMO.

Anyway, back to Stockholm, I arrived today at about 15, was a bit lost at first but now it's like i live here hehe. Lovely city, lovely people, what more could ye ask for? Oh yeah that yer girl be with ye so we can share all this together :cry: .

And Kov well yeah, it's not like my body acts different, but one certainly feels different. It's like sopmehitng's missing, and in this casae it's obvious what. My girl does suffer from what ye say, so ye might want to send her a PM or something (Mrs. Gigi in case ye don't remember), but my adivse is to try to get distracted with something, maybe listen to some power in order to feel happy :lol: :worship: :headbang: :p .

And btw, I neva said I was robbed again! Where did ye get that from Solefald?

Hmm I wonder if I have beated everyone here in terms of quantity of consumism in one week? That would certainly be something hehe :zombie: :headbang: .

Yeah I'll tell ye all about Stockholm as soon as I can Kat hehe :) .

Concerning my grandpa, well no one really knows qwhat's going one, not even the doctors, what is certian is that he spens a lot of time, namely the whole day, sleeping. If ye thought ye were lazy, well my grandpa beats ye all 'cause yesterday he opned his eyes for 5 minutes, and only to eat :ill: (hehe sounds quite funny actually, too bad the situation o_O :cry: ).

Went to a Rock-Metal bar today (FINALLY!!!) called The Anchor, quite good, great service and great food. Not many beers though, but I had a good time so I'll go back tomorrow hehe.

Hyena so sorry about the bike, thank Oden (there's a subway station called Odenplan here :kickass: ) it didn't expolde or something.

Back to Sweden, the crap here is that everyhing is SO expensive!!! No really, today I spent like 50 euros only on basic needs (ye know, food, sodas beer ans transportation he).

Well maybe I'll write more tomorrow, cheers! :kickass:

PD: No sign of any DT member btw, I'm so sad bubu :cry: ( :p ).
Oh wow, I CAN'T WAIT to be there...... (10 months left haha)

NF: Great! Just got back from the journal's office, where I called Dani Filth for an interview and it went very well, he's very very kind and generous in his answers! I'm very satisfied with my interview, so it'll be easier to write a good article!!
Can't wait to see them live on Jan. 28th !!! Yeah!
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