chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Unlike those German bastards (no offense), 'cause in genral terms they were oh so fucking full of themselves, I hate that so much.


And btw, I neva said I was robbed again! Where did ye get that from Solefald?

A case of skimming the pages too quickly. Happened to me aswell.

Back to Sweden, the crap here is that everyhing is SO expensive!!! No really, today I spent like 50 euros only on basic needs (ye know, food, sodas beer ans transportation he).

At the main train station (and probably elsewhere, too, but they don´t speak English at every de-centralized ticket counter) you can get transportation passes for one or several days (for busses and tram), that´s cheaper than buying single tickets.
nf: ew. my scooter's gas pump broke down in the middle of the road, so the whole vehicle was flooded by hot fuel. nothing caught fire, thanking the almighty heavens. but i had to get home, call the insurance guys, have them pick up the vehicle, sign the paperwork and i was done just about now. of course tomorrow i have to leave on a week-long business trip so i won't be able to see the mechanic, but this is not too bad because a friend of mine lives just above the mechanic's shop and will take care of everything.
while i was standing like an idiot in the street, signing the insurance claim, the alarm of a nearby motorcycle store started for no reason and it's not giving any sign of stopping soon.
moreover, i also think i have the beginnings of a flu, and i haven't even packed for my trip.
Deary me. I didn't know you rode a scooter. Hope it isn't going to cost much to mend/is covered by the insurance. And I have a hunch your fluey feeling is just symptoms of stress induced by all the mishaps in your current quatum universe.


NF: Anxiety has been bad recently, but changed my diet to try and combat it and had a nice night tonight, went bowling. I really sucked though... my average was so low. Was my first day back at uni today too, and I have so much work on it's unholy. 2 essays, a presentation and a composition to be in by friday. Lovely!

Not posted in this thread for a while, so will also briefly mention, me and my girlfriend are having a great time. recently met each others parents. Was scarey but worth it to know her parents approve of me and mine of her. She brings me a great deal of happiness.

Also, my band has a few pretty big local gigs coming up. I'm nervous as hell but in a good way. I think we're gonna shred. A few promoters have been saying nice things about us too like joking that they don't want to share us as a client with other promoters :p... even though we don't actually get that many tickets sold. It's a good place to be.
I think the recent spaziness of mine is due mostly to anxiety. Partly due to fucking up some shit at work, partly due to separation from the fiancee, partly due to anxiety about being able to move up there and keep a job with this company due to aforementioned fuckups. The usual.

EDIT: Somehow I lost this part when I posted...

Glad to hear everything is going ok, Gav. Best of luck with the band, and the gf.

Things seem to go smoothly in your life, pal, what's that anxiety about? ;)


maybe too much work for university? :p

Thats teh case for me now :(
For next week: a physics lab report to write, another one to correct and an exam about using excell (and the prof made us do quite hard things, with strange formels you have no idea what they do, and asked us to calculate things we never spoke about in class) The exam schould be easier (i still have to look at the example the prof gave us). And i must not forget my dictionary this time, otherwise i wont get the instructions :p.

Anyway, I had an exam today (geological maps making). I think i fucked up. I couldnt get myself to study seriously during the vacations, and the **** prof decided to include vocabulary questions in teh exam, which i couldnt answer(i know what the terms are on a map, but i have no idea how to explain them.). And he also asked a question i couldnt get because of my loosy knowlegde of german vocabular (and of course, i had forgotten my dictiuonary at home :mad: :mad: )
If i ever passed this, it s gonna be with the worst note you can have :p . At least i know what to study for the "second chance exam" (dont know how to call that in English)
Anyway, I had an exam today (geological maps making). I think i fucked up. I couldnt get myself to study seriously during the vacations, and the **** prof decided to include vocabulary questions in teh exam, which i couldnt answer(i know what the terms are on a map, but i have no idea how to explain them.). And he also asked a question i couldnt get because of my loosy knowlegde of german vocabular (and of course, i had forgotten my dictiuonary at home :mad: :mad: )
If i ever passed this, it s gonna be with the worst note you can have :p . At least i know what to study for the "second chance exam" (dont know how to call that in English)

:D I hate mapping, too ;) Especially when you go outdoors and have to cartograph an area; when the prof sends out several groups of people and each used a slightly different method, and then someone has to make one map out of that..... :loco:

Hope that things will go well with your exams, or that the 2nd try will be nicer. The definition thingie is something you´ll find everywhere. Especially in the basic study years, you are going to drown in definitions. It´s a bit silly, but profs test you on that, so the easiest way is to actually learn them pretty much by the word (given that there are not a couple of completely different to each concept). If you go too free-form on that, you´ll get minus-points for mini-things missing, or not mentioning all the elements the professor thinks this definition contains.
I´d prefer, too, to explain the specific vocabulary in my own words, and just apply the concept to something (which shows that you understood it), but there is no way out.
At least let´s be happy we don´t study medicine, because they have about 1 million definitions more to learn by heart, with the exact wording :)
:D I hate mapping, too ;) Especially when you go outdoors and have to cartograph an area; when the prof sends out several groups of people and each used a slightly different method, and then someone has to make one map out of that..... :loco:

we will have to do thatin April and also one more time later in this year... nooooooo

Convuslingly orgasming.

For around $500-600 (4-8 GB) it's going to be my first Apple product.

Jobs' Keynote is hilarious, as always :D
Do you guys normally listen to music (like DT, in particular) while driving? Do you find it affects your driving at all?
I do listen to music when i drive, and i also sing loudly when i'm alone in the car. :D It does affect my driving probably, not in the sense that it distracts me so much, but maybe i drive a bit more aggressively.
But i can't really listen to DT in the car, i get way too nervous and aggressive (to the point i almost bump on cars), i don't know why is that. :/

I hope you didn't fuck up the thing in your job too much and that everything becomes smooth again fast.
Meh, I think I've repaired most of the damage, but now I'm on the neutral side of my boss, as opposed to the good side. (Not quite the bad side yet...)

In other news, if I suddenly stop posting here altogether, I haven't died. It seems the main office has put up some fun 'net filter software that's slowly blocking me from all the sites I normally visit. (I.E., WoW's site, etc.) So, if for some odd reason this gets blocked too, I'll lose most of my ability to post. (I don't post from home because I'm a lazy fuck, and I'm normally playing WoW.)

Things seem to go smoothly in your life, pal, what's that anxiety about? ;)


I think it's like a physical depression, because I just get really down and can't appreciate anything. The symptoms are an extreme loss of appetite and immense feeling of isolation and can lead to panic attacks. But it comes and goes really often. It can happen pretty much anytime for any reason. I do have a great life and am so thankful for being where I am and having the friends, family and oppotunities I get each day, It just saddens me that I have these moods that cripple my ability to be happy. I've been putting off making a doctors appointment for 6 months, because I really wanted to beat it on my own, but reading more into it I realise I need some proper advise as being possitive or thinking my way out of it for hours each day isn't always enough.

that was rather long winded. :p

Anyway, I came in this thread mainly to talk about 'reputation'. I spread it around real good, but when I try and give it to the same person more than once, it tells me I need to spread it around more. What the fuck is with that? It's probably a way of cutting down on 'mates' just kissing ass back and forth, but it's a bit ridiculous when someone makes a really good post and I try and give them kudos, but it won't let me show my appreciation...

NF: Ok. had a good band practice. Someone weird added me on MSN and it turned out to be the female vocalist in Chaoswave... she added me after she read me saying they were legends on here (which they are) and she was like, unbelievably humbled and seemed surprised that anyone liked them/her stuff. They are as good as/better than any signed band using that style, and I'm suprised they don't know it :p... No rockstar stuff from her, was very impressed.
NF: Ok. had a good band practice. Someone weird added me on MSN and it turned out to be the female vocalist in Chaoswave... she added me after she read me saying they were legends on here (which they are) and she was like, unbelievably humbled and seemed surprised that anyone liked them/her stuff. They are as good as/better than any signed band using that style, and I'm suprised they don't know it :p... No rockstar stuff from her, was very impressed.
I hope you realise she'll probably read that too. :p

NF: kind of depressed.
(I don't post from home because I'm a lazy fuck, and I'm normally playing WoW.)

I just thought a few days ago - how lame and fucked up it would be just be coming home from work and watching TV as the only source of enertainment (or entertament?)

After a weekend day spent playing WoW makes me feel infiniely guilty - why the fuck am I doing that with my life?
I hope you realise she'll probably read that too. :p

NF: kind of depressed.

Haha, I don't mind really. I think she came across a little weird because she's italian and doesn't have amazingly correct English... :p

And you know, so many people are feeling pretty depressed this week. Been worse than usual for me and a few of my freinds have seemed really down in the dumps over stuff. I guess in the UK it's part due to the very wintery weather.
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