chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I feel like someone wrapped my whole head in wool. Except that I don't get that really soft pleasant feeling of actually wrapping my head in wool. And instead, I've been jittery (literally can't stop moving) and lightheaded all day. I've kept myself hydrated (I drink at least 20oz of water an hour, regularly) but I can't focus on anything. I'm very confused. Perhaps I just need more sleep.


Or Red Bull.

"Tonight, my head is full of wishes,
And everything I drink is full of her.

Gave up my worries for one good thing..."

Hahahahaha! I never even thought of interpreting my sig that way :p

Though it works, I'll give you that.

And I think the problem is that I feel like I've drank 4 red bulls... only I haven't. I don't think actually drinking any would help...


Hmmm I think it's a matter of rest, maybe you should do that more often :rolleyes: .

And really, congratulations!!! *throws out a party for Kov* *weee party*

Concerning the thing with the school kids, yeah I pretty much agree with what Rhavin said.

It's like Marlyin Manson said in Michael Moore's film: "It's not that the war is more violent, it's that there's more coverage."

Can't agree more with that.

Well, coming back to me :p , I am in, well, guess where?


Home of a small band called Dark Tranquillity... I think we talked about them here one time, not sure though.

Hehe well the last couple of days I was in Munich with Solefald, great lad and we had a blast hehe.

Are you still pissed because of Babenhausen? L :lol: Ö :lol: L . It's just that we went to this mail order shop in a toen called Babenhausen, which is, as Frank said, pretty much in the middle of nowhere hehe. But we got there fine, I got my stuff (SO FUCKING COOL!!! Haven't opened it yet though hehe), and the town is pretty nice.

So today we got up at 6, much to mine and Solefald's disgust of doing that, but there was basically no other choice since the airport was in Frankfurt Hahn, which is like 120km from the center of Frankfurt hehe.

The flight was fine, a bit shaky though, and there were lots of "sudden pressure lost" stuff so my ears are pretty fucked up hehe.

Göteborg, although I haven't seen much (got here at like 6pm), seems like a greta city. I must admit I haveb't seen much, but there's this something, this feeling that makes me really happy and peaceful. I don't know why but I feel so calm and tranquill here.

Perhaps it's because I know that an amazing band is from here, and to actually be in the place where they come from, is let me tell you, something incredible.

I'm not being a fanboy or anything here, but damn, one certainly feels special when walking aorund Göteborg :cry: :headbang: :kickass: :) .

It's incredible.

Tomorrow I don't know what'll do, I'll go to the mall (Nor-something) and buy a new portable cd player, since I'll have to give the one that I have to Mrs.Gigi ( :oops: ) when I get back to CR hehe.

Dunno if I should go to the museum or to the old part of Göteborg, I'll probably do the latter because on Sunday there's a higher risk of it being closed.

And maybe I'll have a close-diabetic-comma encounter with you know which guys ,maybe only in my wet dreams hehe, but it's a great feeling to know that you may actually have a chance.

Ahhhh it's great! I love it here! I only wish I was with me girl :cry: (miss you love! - . - ).

On another note, my grabdpa has been very sick recently, it's very hard becuase he has always been so healthy, to the point that he was 83 and still rode his motorbike scooter! So to see him being deteriorated in this way is terrible, for he is not only bad physically, 'cause I just read probably the most shoking e-mail in my life, which said that the whatever stuff he had in his liver infected his brain, so now he's kind of delirious.

I feel so sad, I love him so much... . I'm afraid that he's certinly on his last days (gosh feels SO fucking terrible to say that, not to mention difficult), but I just hope that he'll hang in there till I go to Canada.

Oh yeah, after my European trip I'll go to Canada, basically because of my grandpa.

Maybe I could meet some of my Canadian friends :) ? Not going to Montreal though :rolleyes: .

Ah well that's basically my life till now, one thing (Göteborg) compensates the other (mein Ohpa -grandpa-), but it sucks because I feel more sad than happy.

Boy, do I need Mrs.Gigi now or what :cry: :erk: ? Only 22 more days... shit this getting really diifcult+depressing.

Cheers :kickass:
@LBRH: I hope that your grandfather suffers as little as possible, whatever the conclusion.

and yes, you're being a fanboy, and also a bit of a little lost child with all the "I miss my girlfriend" stuff. come on, be a man. :p
Me and my Mother and Father, a Grandmother and a Grandfather were driving through
the desert and a truck load of Indian workers had either hit another car,
or just ... I don't know what happened but there were Indians scattered
all over the highway, bleeding to death.
So the car pulls up and stops, that was the first time
I tasted fear. I must of been about four years old?
The reaction I get now thinking about it, looking
back is that the souls of the ghosts of those dead
Indians, maybe one or two of them were just
running around freaking out, and just leaped into my
soul and they're still in there ...
Nothing happens in life without reason.
When I look within this transient entity called Self, and then beyond, I find nothing
worth eternalizing. The philosophical or metaphysical projection of soul(or call it
what you will) beyond the barrier of death is a dream I find too bold, too presumptuous.
These few short years are enough. Let other who will follow after me have their chance
at life. Let them build and destroy; let them love and hate; let them dream and dare to dream.
To what avail? I know and I don't know. It's a question each of us must answer for ourself -
Yes you are. :p
Good to see you're having fun, though your grandpa has my best wishes, i hope he hangs on.

Why does everyone call me a fanboy bubu?

Well thanx for your wishes, because he did! I'm so happy, apparently the pills acted fast enough to attack the bacteria, so whatever the thing he had in his brain is going! Really I'm so happy, he nearly died like 2 ago, and well, as my father, literally, said: "It's like he's back from the dead!"

:) :headbang: :kickass:

Hyena said:
@LBRH: I hope that your grandfather suffers as little as possible, whatever the conclusion.

and yes, you're being a fanboy, and also a bit of a little lost child with all the "I miss my girlfriend" stuff. come on, be a man.

I am a man, you have never met me so you have no right to say that. What if I like to be dependant to my girl? She feels the same for me too, so why do you have a problem? I don't have any issues with that, so why are you having them?

LaRoque: Getting abit philosophycal huh? I didn't get one thing, we're you the one with the indian stuff?

Marduk: Haaaa a little bit drunk are we? Just kidding hehe, it's just that you posted a NP post here, dunno why it made me laugh a lot :p :lol: :loco: .
@LBRH: I hope that your grandfather suffers as little as possible, whatever the conclusion.

and yes, you're being a fanboy, and also a bit of a little lost child with all the "I miss my girlfriend" stuff. come on, be a man. :p

I am a man, you have never met me so you have no right to say that. What if I like to be dependant to my girl? She feels the same for me too, so why do you have a problem? I don't have any issues with that, so why are you having them?

@LBRH: Obviously, you didn't notice the :p at the end of hyena's post.
@LBRH: Obviously, you didn't notice the :p at the end of hyena's post.

Obviously :p .

Hyena said:
@lbrh: what rampy said. it was a joke in good humor. didn't mean to offend.

:cry: I'm so sorry, I guess I should read posts better hehe.

solefald said:
thats what I told him the few days,the fanboy stuff. but its cool hehe
I never met a person who bought so much cds in 2 days like danny
perhaps I should try that too...
anyway have fun in the north, dont stalk DT and have some nice last days in europe

:p everyone tells me the same thing. It's funny 'cause I don't consider meself one (ok ok the unexpect story maybe was a hell lot fanboish, but it was good anyway hehe).

Hehe yup I spent about 400E on cds in 2 weeks (Crosses fingers and hopes that his father doesn't notice).

I've bought so much stuff that when I was at the airport, the bastarders or ryanair charged me 80 wuros for overwheight!!! o_O :yuk: :zombie: :ill:
I think I might have to buy another luggage, I'm afraid mine may collapse hehe :p .

Thanx a lot Herr Solefald, though the DT stalking didn't result, since I didn't see any of the guys hehe (BUUUUUUUUUU :cry: ). Yeah you should try doing that one day, save a lot and then buy like I did, and yes I hope the rest of the trip continues to be ok (yay I haven't been robbed again *cries*).

Ah well, tomorrow I'll go to Stockholm, there are more metal clubs there and stuff, so I guess I'll have more fun in that sense there :) :headbang: :kickass: .

See ya!

PD: It's so fucking hot here, damn global warming!!!
LBRH said:
LaRoque: Getting abit philosophycal huh? I didn't get one thing, we're you the one with the indian stuff?

Marduk: Haaaa a little bit drunk are we? Just kidding hehe, it's just that you posted a NP post here, dunno why it made me laugh a lot.

Well, there was a reason for my posting that particular NP after LaRocques post. If you read what he posted once again, then listen to that song from The Doors, and find some info about what story lies behind the lyrics, Im sure youll find something very similar to what LaRocque posted without actually giving the credit to Jim Morrison.
I've bought so much stuff that when I was at the airport, the bastarders or ryanair charged me 80 wuros for overwheight!!! o_O :yuk: :zombie: :ill:
I think I might have to buy another luggage, I'm afraid mine may collapse hehe :p .

(yay I haven't been robbed again *cries*).

wtf ???what are you doing???are you getting stalked by all morons and thiefs of europe?? twice on one trip, thats horrible. Im really sorry for these europeans who did that.
yeah for your luggage, yours is fuller than full:loco: filled with your precious
(and its no ring)
anyway good luck and take care
I never met a person who bought so much cds in 2 days like danny

Hey Kat, how much did I get when you brought me to Freeson? Wasn't it like 12 in 2 days? Am I close to Danny's mass-consumption? Then again 400E in 2 days is about 4 times what I spent...
Hey Kat, how much did I get when you brought me to Freeson? Wasn't it like 12 in 2 days? Am I close to Danny's mass-consumption? Then again 400E in 2 days is about 4 times what I spent...

You bought.... 12 cds I think, around 300$... I don't remember exactly! :D
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