chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Well I'm in Canada right now, I'm so happy! Haven't been here for a couple of years so I was starting to miss the country hehe :cry: .

The plane went fine, thogugh I got a little bit dizzy:ill: :puke: , but besides that 'tis was ok hehe :p .

KC: Bloody hell that must have been terrible! Hope ye're ok now! *hugs*

Hyena: Hope ye're better now!

Well I think I'll post a bit more this days, I'll have more free time, though I'm not sure because of all that stuff with me granpa he ( :cry: ).

Hey, thanks for caring about this.

Here's Satan, who is not my friend by any means, but he seduced me only to end up sleeping with someone else: Bret B0133P 0022_2.jpg (I'm killing this link in a couple of days, so take a fast look at him). This is a detail - he really was the devil.

If you're interested, I will tell you the whole story via PM - not something I'm comfortable with making public.

I'm now feeling oddly romantic, waxing lyrical at Bruce Dickinson - Jerusalem.

I want to be in England and get drunk with rahvin.

Uhm, he looks a bit like an Italian version of Ethan Hawke. Dont see anything devilish in him, but maybe thats the point, isnt it?

Yeah, pm me, Id like to know what happened.

Bruce is teh classic, and Jerusalem one of his best songs.

Me too, although my only contribution would probably be long inaudible burps. But maybe after 6 pints of guiness Id dare to actually "converse" with you guys. :D
Well I did the registration of the courses of my university an hour ago. It was the 1st tiem I did it online! Horrah it was great! :) I must admit I was expecting a really chunky systdm, but it was wonderful! :kickass:

The course thta I registered were:

Oral Expression: Humanism and Society (1st one that promises tp be terribly boring :ill: )

Bibliographical Investigation (dunno what to expect hehe).

Literatue and Culture of the US (seems great and I really like the professor and US lit. :headbang: :kickass: ).

Intercultural Communication (dunno...).

Morfolgy and Syntax (Only course I really have to study IMO, seems great I love this kind of stuff! :headbang: Now let's see whic professor will I get, hope a different one from last year's).

I start classes bext Monday, which made me realise that I will only have one full day of vacations with my fair lady Ms.Gigi! BUUAAAA :cry: !
Being brokenhearted is fun - it releases special shit into blood, which if doesn't kill you - makes you stronger.
This deserves to be in a sig. I'd put it in mine if only i wasn't so lazy.

Argh don't wish bad tings to him, come on!!!! Some couples are still happy after many years! But sometimes, it just doesn't work...
Bad things happen. Every relationship goes through tough. Of course, it's an equation of many things, but most of the times it's a matter of managing to go through the tough.
That said, i do wish, hope and believe that Kov and his girl will make it through the tough. :)

@Kat: i'm really sorry for your breakup, keep your head up. Better things will come.

.. I have this really weird feeling... like I'm a son of this forum... and as a parent I want it to be proud of me...
I suddenly feel old. :bah:
Feeling kinda depressed tonight. Feeling that empty space in my "new" life... now I need to "fill" it with better things! :)
@ds: you'd live, trust me. i have experience. :)
(oh, and by no means am i advocating the end of your relationship, or anyone else's. i just wanted to say that when shit hits the fan most of us don't kill ourselves).
@ds: you'd live, trust me. i have experience. :)
Of course this is true, i have experience with it too. But i'm pondering about the quality of life before and after. You know, the 'after' part kinda sucks in comparison most of the time.
Youd do teh absolutely bestest to make it work again, of course! ;)

Yeah totally! People are strong!
But when you force things, it's not for the best !

We tried for months, it was the best for both of us to put an end to this. :erk: Sadness is a normal feeling for now... but it'll soon be replace by.. something more.. peaceful I guess! :)
"Am I the only one, crushed by the weight of the world?"

I doubt anyone with their head out of their arse isn't feeling a little weight right now. The difference is we're trying to maintain a solid base and soldier on instead of letting our foundations crumble and letting it get the better of us.

My brother told the skals that I called the police and that there is a warrant out for their arrest. Now they want me dead. I found them and spoke to them, told them I'd tell the police they weren't holding the knives with any intent other than winding us up, which is basically true, if they didn't fuck around in the store anymore. basically, if they get arrested, I'm gonna get beaten up. If they don't all will be well, except these twats will still be out and about.

Managed to put our show the other night on to DVD. It's pretty cool. Still working on getting some clips online for yall.
Great song. Love Antimatter.

Hope things work out for the better, KC. Don't want to see our new up-and-coming musician gettin into a few rough spots.

~kov. (My brain is odd in the morning. I just started picturing you after a fight with them as the english 50 Cent.)
Hey, thanks for caring about this.

Here's Satan, who is not my friend by any means, but he seduced me only to end up sleeping with someone else: [dead Satan link] (I'm killing this link in a couple of days, so take a fast look at him). This is a detail - he really was the devil.

He looks like the kind of persons I´d avoid; conceited and deceitful ;)
Very strange facial features, like he doesn't even need a nose - imagine a hole instead... or a pig nose... and horns. Even then he doesn't qualify for a "Satan", more like a fiendish creature. Ah, men! Amen to that.

I'm having a business lunch today. And while things are in order at work, side projects are in a big mess, where I can't wrap my head around them where to start, have hard time setting priorities (everything is urgent!!1!) and experiencing total lack of time. All I know is that I'm offering the best prodcut on the local market, the only thing needs to be taken care of is - to actually market it.

God help me... or whoever is up there these days.

p.s. I know I will be fine.
@LBRH: what do you study?

I think this is teh 2nd time I told ye hehe :lol: , but I don't mind. I study English Teaching at the National University of CR :) :kickass: .

KC: So they could get someone to beat ye? Be a man and face them! Nah just kidding hehe, my advise is to be really smart and think yer moves carefully, I on one hand will get them in jail, but it's your call and you will do the best I'm sure.

Keep it up mate!

And coming to the reltionship subject, yeah I cannot picture my life without Mrs.Gigi, I've already had my heart broken once by my 1st girl (slut), but the relationship was much different than the one I have now.

For instance, the 1st one only lasted 4 months, basically becuase I kept trying to save it until I just couldn't satnd it, and well it was my first real relationship, so you don't really see things the way they are because you are blindly in love.

Unlike now, I've been with Mrs.Gigi for hmmm let me see... about one year and 7 months. I am in love with her, totally, madly, but what I love is not only being with her, but the feeling in which you really know that this will actually work.

I also love the fact that I don't see her the way I saw my 1st girl, it is a very different perspective, I am very mature now in that sense, and I actually feel very proud that I've (and she too I'm sure) grown a lot in relationship matters.

We've had many arguments, and we've been abotu to break up like 3 times, but our bonds are so strong that both of us have done enormous sacrifices and efforts to save it.

Best of all, I'm sure it'll always be that way.

:oops: love ye precious!

My preciosssss! :lol:
And coming to the reltionship subject, yeah I cannot picture my life without Mrs.Gigi, I've already had my heart broken once by my 1st girl (slut), but the relationship was much different than the one I have now.

For instance, the 1st one only lasted 4 months, basically becuase I kept trying to save it until I just couldn't satnd it, and well it was my first real relationship, so you don't really see things the way they are because you are blindly in love.

Unlike now, I've been with Mrs.Gigi for hmmm let me see... about one year and 7 months. I am in love with her, totally, madly, but what I love is not only being with her, but the feeling in which you really know that this will actually work.

I also love the fact that I don't see her the way I saw my 1st girl, it is a very different perspective, I am very mature now in that sense, and I actually feel very proud that I've (and she too I'm sure) grown a lot in relationship matters.

We've had many arguments, and we've been abotu to break up like 3 times, but our bonds are so strong that both of us have done enormous sacrifices and efforts to save it.

Best of all, I'm sure it'll always be that way.

:oops: love ye precious!

My preciosssss! :lol:

I like how you always take how I feel and just run with it. It's about twenty times sappier than I'll ever be, but it's good to see someone in the same position :)

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