chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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And don't you just wish you were there? :p

Oddly, I never did rebel. I just listened to Haven and my parents thought it was ace too. at least it wasn't dance music, rap or anything else that lacks any quality. So I never had a reason to fight back at the system, together with Dark Tranquillity I was embraced. Probably the reason I'm such a pacifist (in real live).
My rebellion lasted one night. They didn't allow me to go somewhere so I just hung up the phone. The next day we talked about it and everything was fine. Otherwise I just would have hated them forever and I would be an emo by now :cry:

Is it possible for the admin to put a really ugly emo smiley in the smiley list?
No it's a certificate non-native English speakers who want to have a certificate that shows how great their English is. Good for applications. It lasted about 6 hours on one Saturday plus another 20 minutes of oral examination on another Saturday and 4x a 45 min drive.
I get it, you're taking English as a Second Language (ESL). Anyhow, good luck!
My rebellion lasted one night.

I took off for the US 5 years ago and never looked back :heh:

Was right all the way - it was extremely hard for parents to accept that first, but the way things turned out, I made the only right choice. They are 1000% behind my decision now, but they will never know what really triggered "I'm not coming back". Sure enough, quite a few things layered during the years, but there was one tiny, so insignifiCunt, particular thing which was behind life changing decision.

I'm never coming back to the place I called home. Only in a zinc box, maybe... but I asked to be cremated, so....
Wow that must have taken a lot of guts... :kickass: .

I wish I could do that... well I have to finish my bachellors degree and then I'll definetly run away from here. I can barely stand it now, both my parents are great lads, sure they have the occasional "I want to kill ye" lapsus, but I can bear with that :rolleyes: (a bit at least :rolleyes: ).

The one I cannot stand is my sister, we are constantly fighting, and the worst thing is that she is puttying my parents against my persona (me :p ), which I really hate because she's gettingme into a lot of trouble(s) which didn'y happen before. I fthis goes one I think I'll definetly have to sit down and have a little talk with my mom, because this cannot go on.

Any advise will be appreciated, the situation is very painful and I can barely bear it.

Btw, new avatar? What do ye think? I like this one more :), and it goes better withi the phorum :) :p .
The one I cannot stand is my sister, we are constantly fighting, and the worst thing is that she is puttying my parents against my persona (me :p ), which I really hate because she's gettingme into a lot of trouble(s) which didn'y happen before. I fthis goes one I think I'll definetly have to sit down and have a little talk with my mom, because this cannot go on.

Well, thats sure a reason to leave your country for good. Plin lived in Belarus before.
The one I cannot stand is my sister, we are constantly fighting, and the worst thing is that she is puttying my parents against my persona (me :p ), which I really hate because she's gettingme into a lot of trouble(s) which didn'y happen before. I fthis goes one I think I'll definetly have to sit down and have a little talk with my mom, because this cannot go on.
How old is your sister?

Btw, new avatar? What do ye think? I like this one more :), and it goes better withi the phorum :) :p .
Pretty much the same concept as the one before, but it's nice. I like the old one better though, hmmm maybe because I'm used to it.
Well, Belarus is a country with a completely discredited president and government. Happened to us in 1994-1998 (minus the president, who was actually a cool guy), so one has to be careful with the judgements. But our government never went as far as Lukashenko did in Belarus, fortunatelly (although the corruption was huge, and the presidents son was kidnapped, one witness in this case murdered - things that have never been solved). After nine years its hard to believe that Slovakias economic growth is one of the fastest in EU.
Marduk: If it's from a low level... ;)

What would you recommend a visitor to see in Slovakia? I'm slowly (very slowly) trying to put together a central european round trip, and as I probably have to present a strong case to convince my friends, I need to do some research.
Yeah, but besides complicated and controversial political situation, Belarus is one hellava strategic/transit/whichever else point, and everyone wants a piece of it.

Especially Putin.

And that country can't sway to the West/EU, not in next 10-20 years or so. Till then it's going to be a police state.

Let's see what happens this Sunday - there are some major events are about to happen all over the world and in Minsk, too. Too bad I'll be in West Virginia for a dt show :heh:
Marduk: If it's from a low level... ;)

What would you recommend a visitor to see in Slovakia? I'm slowly (very slowly) trying to put together a central european round trip, and as I probably have to present a strong case to convince my friends, I need to do some research.

You sure have a point there, but I dont think any of the high-level countries can afford the stagnation they undergo nowadays either. But instead of economic reforms they talk about tax harmonisation (meaning taking away probably the only competitive area of the new member states).

What would I recommend? Definitely The High Tatras in the north-east, and the cities of Poprad and Liptovsky Mikulas lying under these beatiful mountains (Kezmarok is also nice). Spissky Castle (about 30 kms to the east of Tatras) is the largest castle in Europe, so its a must as well. Then the capital city of Bratislava (especially the Old Town) is really nice. Kosice in the east are great, too. The town where I live (Trencin) is very nice as well (we have a beautiful castle), I could show you around.
NF: Wonderful.

If wonderful were still having a raging headcold and now a stomach ache to boot.

I think I may stay home tomorrow. Or just not stay up trying to remember what the fuck the taylor series expansion for sin(x) is, while reading through lecture notes that refuse to be even internally consistent in their naming conventions. I'm glad I'm not the one being tested on it on Wednesday. Ick.
Oh, and it's Mat-Sci stuff, too, hehe. Such fun. I now feel her pain.

Well, thats sure a reason to leave your country for good. Plin lived in Belarus before.

Yeah I know :p . Anyway, my plan is to either move to Canada or Norway :) , I'll try tyo get a job as a translator (maybe interpretator :) ).

blackashinheritance said:
How old is your sister?

Pretty much the same concept as the one before, but it's nice. I like the old one better though, hmmm maybe because I'm used to it.

Hmmm she's 18.

Haha yeah ye have to get used to it, and well 'tis the same concept because 'tis the same guy hehe :p .

Ok, I must admit I'm a bit ignorant with the situation in Belarus, can someone give me a lenghty explanation of what's going on there? I would really like to know :) .

@Kat: 'curses' Ye don´t know how lucky ye are :rolleyes: :Smug: , damn I want to see DT live again!!! Buuuuaaaaaaaa! :cry:
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