chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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On the issue of drugs/alcohol, my parents have always been really strict. It's probably due to a history of alcohol abuse on my mom's side of the family, but still, it was very unforgiving. Not that I ever really broke their rules in a major way (until college), but it went so far as having a big family reunion in Ireland and having my uncles sneak me beer (when I was 17), becuase my mother wouldn't even let me have a single glass of wine.

Of course, in a typical American way, I rebelled a bit when I hit college, but not too much, thanks to my girlfriend. First time we went drinking, she made sure I got so blasted I got sick (she was totally sober and so could take care of me) so that I would forever steer clear of getting too drunk from that point forward. At the time it sucked, but I think that actually did more good for my viewpoint towards alcohol than my parents ever did. And plus, it was the source of such great quotes as "I'm sorry, but I can't do PV=nRT right now..." and "I'll try to get that done for you, but I don't know if I can fit Leonardo DiCaprio into a VCR."

As far as drugs go, I've never even been tempted to smoke pot or anything. It just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

Kovenant84 said:
First time we went drinking, she made sure I got so blasted I got sick (she was totally sober and so could take care of me) so that I would forever steer clear of getting too drunk from that point forward. At the time it sucked, but I think that actually did more good for my viewpoint towards alcohol than my parents ever did. .

I have been really sick because of alcohol a few times ( I throwed up and had a really bad headache, I couldnt eat or drink water the whole day (everytime I wanted to I fel like i was going to throw up again),; so I had to sleep the whole day, and at the end of the day I felt even worse because I hadnt eaten anything).

When I mix alcohol and beer I get really sick... one time I drank 2 shots of Aquavit after a few beers, i have never been so sick after... I swore I would never ever drink Aquavit again :lol:

Since those few times, I only drink a beer or two during parties because i really dont want to get sick again...
Dark_Silence said:
I have been really sick because of alcohol a few times ( I throwed up and had a really bad headache, I couldnt eat or drink water the whole day (everytime I wanted to I fel like i was going to throw up again),; so I had to sleep the whole day, and at the end of the day I felt even worse because I hadnt eaten anything).

When I mix alcohol and beer I get really sick... one time I drank 2 shots of Aquavit after a few beers, i have never been so sick after... I swore I would never ever drink Aquavit again :lol:

Since those few times, I only drink a beer or two during parties because i really dont want to get sick again...

Ah, that's what the problem was :)

Beer then liquor, never been sicker;
Liquor then beer, you're in the clear.

Words of wisdom from a drinker I knew in college :)

Dark_Silence said:
Since those few times, I only drink a beer or two during parties because i really dont want to get sick again...
So now everytime we go somewhere she goes "Dont drink too much, you'll get sick!" or "How many beers did you drink before that? Are you drunk already?" all the time ;)
Most of the time when I drink I actually prefer being sick. Then I don't feel wrong in the morning. One way to make it happen and enjoy it is: once you're totally out for the night... like, you've drunk too much and you can't string sentences together properly and you feel bloated... try downing a beer. Just don't stop until you know you're about to vom... then the vom comes out really really smooth and doesn't taste half bad.

This is speaking in terms of those nights when the drinking gets out of hand for what-ever reason. Usually it's, one minute you're having a great time... the next you realise that's your 8th can and the liquor in between starts bubbeling about inside you.

I'm trying to cut down on the real heavy drinking because as it's not affected my health in a major way yet... I have no doubt it will. Problem is, I like being pissed.

@solefald - Takecare man. Have a good one.
Yeah, I don't find getting sick to be too pleasant, so I try to avoid it. Another side effect of that night is that I can no longer stand the smell, let alone the taste, of vodka. I actually feel nauseous in a room with an open bottle of the stuff.

Although, to counter my story, my gf used to drink in high school. It was just a bit of a rebellious phase she went through, but she used to scare guys because she could drink 151 straight, and up to a half a liter of vodka in a sitting. (She loves the taste of vodka. I point out the remarkable similarity to rubbing alcohol, and I get the reply "I know, isn't it great?". Weirdo.) She doesn't drink much anymore, but she when she does get drunk, it's in a really scary way - she'll drink and drink, but won't seem drunk in the slightest. As soon as you let her lay down though, it's all over...

I'm glad though, that she's stopped (though it was before I met her). I know of too many people that started in high school over here because it was the cool thing to do, because parents over here are so anal about the shit, and who are genuine alchoholics at this point.


Edit: If all goes well in 6 hours, I'll finally have my license.
Taliesin said:
So now everytime we go somewhere she goes "Dont drink too much, you'll get sick!" or "How many beers did you drink before that? Are you drunk already?" all the time ;)

:lol: last time I didnt say anything :)
King Chaos said:
Most of the time when I drink I actually prefer being sick. Then I don't feel wrong in the morning.

thing is, I never get sick on the same day I drink too much, but only on the morning when I wake up :ill:
Dark_Silence said:
thing is, I never get sick on the same day I drink too much, but only on the morning when I wake up :ill:
You should also drink water or something non-alcoholic when you are drinking alcohol, and also before you go to bed. I was told once that you have a hangover because you are dehidrated (alcohol makes it hard for your body to absorb water).

Viz (from the second european country in pure alcohol consumption :kickass: :erk:)
true, i didnt do that those times...
now i to drink 1 beer, then a glass of water... but after 2 beers i feel like i have had enough (though i am not drunk yet ) , so no problems of hangover anymore :)
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