chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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@rahvin: wasn't an online acquaintance, i met him at a conference. the flesh-and-blood element made everything sound more realistic, i just didn't know about what. As for picking all the nutcases, I honestly have no explanation.

@nick: glad to see you again. :) (and sorry to hear life is not smiling at you). i concur with rahvin, don't go. and make yourself available online every now and then, i'd love to talk to you.
@hyena: You know, that's all right, because I just realized my sentence with "on line acquaintances" in makes absolutely no sense, and even if it did it probably would not be the one I was looking for. :) The joys of high fever in the morning. I might try again next time I can actually string two words together.
Wolfman Von Jones said:
For those who still remember me, and Im sure a few of you do ;), all I have to say is that life is like getting kicked in the taint with a size 13 (USA) steel-shanked boot. You know :)? Now I think Im going to vanish again for another 5 months.

:lol: I think I know the reason - I see you in WoW almost every time I play. Crack pipe.
@Plinny: I'd equate it more to a heroin needle :p.

@Claud: Prior comment cheerfully withdrawn, I love you too ;)

@Rahvin: Have my children

@Kov: It's more like hell freezing over ;).

Deathmetal_head said:
I'm feeling pretty gutted at the death of Steve Irwin The Crocodile Hunter, rest in peace man

:cry: I'm so fucking sad... . I realli liked that guy, with his funny australian accent hehe. But now we won't see any more shows with him :cry: . I send my depest regards to his wife and his recently born son (poor guy, so young and with no dad).

R.I.P Steve :headbang: :worship: :cry: :kickass:
Zack: :wave:

still alive and stuff, just have a lot to do, I think around 2 DIN A 4-sheets full with lists :D
I meant to write you anyhow after I fulfilled one of those tasks, cuz I`ll need an opinion on a text then.
Wanna see oomph!-photos? :D

And where did they sell 300 Poisonblack-albums, in US or worldwide?

hyena said:
I met a guy in July. He lives in another country. I liked him as a person but didn't feel particularly attracted.

that should have been already enough information for your decision, only that you didn´t wanna believe yourself ;)

And thanks for the story and the info.

hyena said:
I even went as far as telling him that I wish I had fallen in love with him but I hadn't (you know, honesty and all), but he reassured me telling me he wasn't head-over-heels in love either so there was no reason to worry.

hyena said:
and he said "I want to be very clear on one thing: you don't think we are on a romantic track, don't you?".

This actually fits nicely together:
First you tell him that there is no romantic interest, and later the whole thing gets twisted by his question...

It all sounds pretty weird. I think that on one hand, maybe some people enjoy giving out compliments and doing nice gestures, but don´t take it that seriously as maybe the receiver does, they would just enjoy playing. So maybe this guy is one of them, and when you returned the gestures, he didn´t like that because it wasn´t his game alone anymore.

On the other hand, you don´t actually need to discuss future plans with people that you are not in a serious relationship with. You can fantasize in your mind about whatever re-location and career-moves you have as backup-plans, but saying them out loud to some guy who hasn´t even really declared a committment to you was too early (and I´m not even thinking of what you haven´t told him but where up to ;) ) I mean, you met him in July and now we have the beginning of September, and you were already re-planning your whole career ;)

But anyhow, the whole thing had a wrong start, because you didn´t have any more interest in him than as a friend, and you felt so, but still, because of whatever he did he brought you out on thin ice. Of course he sounds like a jerk, but nevertheless, if you feel no romantic interest, then next time trust yourself and keep the people as friends and don´t get hectic :cool:
@fireangel: honestly i don't think that there are only 2 states of the world, ie "i'm completely blown away by guy A and will die of anguish if i don't sleep with him in the next 24 hours" and "i want guy A to be my friend, end of the story". actually, the strongly passional response is a rarity for me (eventhough it happens every now and then), and it shouldn't be trusted anyway because these things typically go away. in this specific case, i was interested in the guy, in a let's-wait-and-see way, not in a please-marry-me-now way. then he did nice things and we had interesting discussions and i saw him again + found him more attractive than i had at first encounter, so the let's-wait-and-see thing became rather "why not give it a try?". i didn't give any importance to the fact that he didn't want to jump my bones the moment he saw me either: we're not 16, so that should not be that important. i realize now that i was wrong, but still the whole thing is quite weird.

edit: i think you're really right where your point "it wasn't his game anymore" is concerned. when he received my books, he said he was upset "because normally i see myself as the one who does the giving". right.
hyena said:
@fireangel: honestly i don't think that there are only 2 states of the world, ie "i'm completely blown away by guy A and will die of anguish if i don't sleep with him in the next 24 hours" and "i want guy A to be my friend, end of the story".

I don´t think that either, but from what you wrote, I deducted that you didn´t have romantic interest in him from the start, no matter what. I usually have the impression that if one doesn´t know quite what to think (friend or more_than_a_friend) then you actually feel this right from the start, aswell, but if you think that: "great, this person will be a good friend", it wouldn´t necessarily change anymore.

actually, the strongly passional response is a rarity for me (eventhough it happens every now and then), and it shouldn't be trusted anyway because these things typically go away. in this specific case, i was interested in the guy, in a let's-wait-and-see way, not in a please-marry-me-now way. then he did nice things and we had interesting discussions and i saw him again + found him more attractive than i had at first encounter, so the let's-wait-and-see thing became rather "why not give it a try?". i didn't give any importance to the fact that he didn't want to jump my bones the moment he saw me either: we're not 16, so that should not be that important. i realize now that i was wrong, but still the whole thing is quite weird.

Okay, now I see it more differentiated, from your description, but still the whole thing sounds rather "nice and pleasant", too lukewarm for a boy-friend. It sounds much more like a charming good friend instead (or at least he could have been that), who then turned weirdo.

edit: i think you're really right where your point "it wasn't his game anymore" is concerned. when he received my books, he said he was upset "because normally i see myself as the one who does the giving". right.

@fireangel - 1 word: sex. that's where one draws the line (well, that's where i draw the line) between mates and lovers.
hyena said:
@fireangel - 1 word: sex. that's where one draws the line (well, that's where i draw the line) between mates and lovers.

True enough: you can't fuck your friends. Even literally. That's a rule #2.
hyena said:
@fireangel - 1 word: sex. that's where one draws the line (well, that's where i draw the line) between mates and lovers.
Weird, when I read this I instantly thought, is it not possible to be lovers and not have sex... but it's more reasonable to question the vise-versa and say is it not possible to have sex and just be mates? I'm talking generally more than personally, but I am interested in your take on this.
Sex is necessary in love.
Love isn't necessary in sex.
Friends rarely fuck, but it can happen. But love was, is or will be an issue in a way or another...
UndoControl said:
Sex without love is pointless. The only sex should be lovemaking, and that can only happen when both persons love each-other at least very much.

/ my two lipas (cents)

You are like so much into gomoku: how 'bout reproduction? Like you are 2 last people on Earth, and it's down to "I don't love her, so I can't fuck her", huh? I read one book once (rather boring), so there was one guy - Adam, - and, you know, he didn't have much choice.
So what, you should fuck her in order to save mankind?
Mankind isn't worth it anyway.
And stupidity aside, even if you had children, with who would they fuck?
Or you'd like a whole planet of idiots (which is today also almost true anyway, without need to fuck your own family).
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