chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Well, I wouldn't mind writing propely you know, but in my opinion it would take the fun from the phorum, ye know?

Because then we won't be able to say things like: "Oh noes!" which is my personal favourite.

I don't think it's really neccesary :mad: :Smug: :cry: :loco:
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Well, I wouldn't mind writing propely you know, but in my opinion it would take the fun from the phorum, ye know?

Because then we won't be able to say things like: "Oh noes!" which is my personal favourite.

"Fun" is a very subjective concept, and so is humor.

Just avoid catchphrases and netspeak and you'll be in the clear. If you get your rocks off by saying "ye" in bold every time you get on this board, go ahead: it's really not worth going through the trouble of stopping you from such a silly habit, especially since it's obvious the more you think you're annoying people, the more you'll keep this shit going.
Now really, you and Hyena are taking this to personal I think. I don't write "ye" because I want to irritate people, I want to write it like that for the reason I worte before and because I fucking want to.

And why is the previous post directed only to me? If I'm not going to use catch phrases or net speak, then no one should. If someone uses them then I will too. So I'm gonna use them, sicne I don't think you'd be able to edit all the "ohhh noes", "IMOs", "LOLs" etc. that appear each day on this phorum.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
And why is the previous post directed only to me? If I'm not going to use catch phrases or net speak, then no one should.

You're starting to catch on.

If someone uses them then I will too. So I'm gonna use them, sicne I don't think you'd be able to edit all the "ohhh noes", "IMOs", "LOLs" etc. that appear each day on this phorum.

Who said I would edit them? I'll just ask the person to avoid using them, and if they still do I'll remove the relevant posts.

edit: Enough with this discussion, by the way. I couldn't have been clearer if I had used 1337 speak.
@UC: True :) .

^ Well then you'd have to delete all the post/threads with that.

I don't mind discussing this, but if ye don't want to 'tis ok, I don't care.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
^ Well then you'd have to delete all the post/threads with that.

Yeeeeesssss! ;)

Ok, I know this is getting kind of ridiculous, but I am saying that I intend to come down on netspeak. Which means that I'll ask people (kindly. Or humorously, since it's subjective anyway) not to use it anymore if I see them do it, and if they persist I'll act accordingly. Does accordingly mean I'll set fire to their homes? No. It might not even mean I'll delete their every post, but I bet I'm ingenious enough to find me own smarty-tarty way of dealing with da problem, capisce?

But, rejoice! Using "ye" or "'tis" hardly qualifies as netspeak (unless Shakespeare really was ahead of his time), and the occasional "lol" or "oh, noes" are more like touches of color than actual catchphrases anymore. Still, please avoid consistently skip punctuation, substitute every "you" with "u", every "for" with "4" and so on. And this does not apply to you, Lil', ok?
^ Haha ok.

Actually I never use the things like 4 instead of for, so I'm out of trouble I guess hehe :Smug: :erk: :cry: :) :headbang: :kickass: .

And wasn't it capice? I really don't know, but I thought it was like that.
It's funny how this causes such a discussion, when back in the days, even Misanthrope calling hyena a broad wouldnt get rahvin out of his cave.

Generally I agree though, not particularly on Bloodred's case, but sloppy grammar and spelling has been pissing me off. What's worse is that 95% of the non-natives do quite a good job, even if their grammar isnt perfect and word order could be better, you can see that they try. But like half of the native speakers cant figure out the difference between there, their and they're, or it's and its and that's the stuff my anger is made of.

I dont think there's anything anyone can do, but um.. I kinda wanted this off my chest. Cheers
rahvin said:
I wonder, is that the real spelling? And i suppose the E at the end is pronounced.. It's awful how english-speaking people anglicize everything and don't even bother to pronounce it correctly... :ill:

Bloodred said:
And wasn't it capice? I really don't know, but I thought it was like that.
No, then the C would be pronounced like our CH.
UndoControl said:
I wonder, is that the real spelling? And i suppose the E at the end is pronounced.. It's awful how english-speaking people anglicize everything and don't even bother to pronounce it correctly... :ill:

No, then the C would be pronounced like our CH.

Haha how true :) .

Hmmm I thought that it was that way... .

I checked it, it is written capisce hehe :p :lol: .

@Talesin: Yeah it's funny that even native English-speaking lads confues between "its" and "it's."
Taliesin said:
Generally I agree though, not particularly on Bloodred's case, but sloppy grammar and spelling has been pissing me off. What's worse is that 95% of the non-natives do quite a good job, even if their grammar isnt perfect and word order could be better, you can see that they try. But like half of the native speakers cant figure out the difference between there, their and they're, or it's and its and that's the stuff my anger is made of.

I dont think there's anything anyone can do, but um.. I kinda wanted this off my chest. Cheers
No, you're right, it does get annoying, and the fact that it's native english-speakers that do it only makes it many times worse. I've noticed the same things before, but i think it's gotten to the point where more than half of the internet is almost-unreadable. It's really sad that something that has allowed the whole world to communicate has also destroyed languages.
@Undo: It's really not Italian, except in the fantasy land of post-immigration America. ;) In Italian, "Do you understand?" is (possibly) "Capisci?", pronounced ka-pee-she (accent goes on the second syllable). I imagine that, back in the days, dialectal inflection and sloppy speaking did their part.

@Taliesin: To be precise - or nit-picking: you decide - it still seems to me insults should be less punishable than poor grammar or netspeak: a certain "roughness" in the communication among users is a matter of choice of register, while the other issues are meant to prevent the board from being difficult to read.
UndoControl said:
It makes more sense than punishing someone for their "inadequacy" at writing their second or third language absolutely-perfectly, and yet the latter has been enforced..

Touché :lol::lol:

also, rahvin forgot to mention that capisce? is also the third person singular of the verb capire; it means "does s/he understand?". in italian, the courtesy form entails the use of third person singular, feminine (instead of second person plural, feminine as in some other languages). so maybe the capeesh? american folly (!) evolved from a mix of second person, third person and, as rahvin said, sloppy pronounciation of italian words both on the part of italian immigrants and english-speaking people.
@hyena: I was finding it difficult to imagine your average mob guy threatening innocent witnesses to a murder by shoving his knife under their throat, commanding silence or else!! and then somehow using the third person, singular feminine form to address them. ;)
rahvin said:
Does accordingly mean I'll set fire to their homes? No.

And here I thought you were tr00.

Ok, to be honest, I've been a pretty poor example of proper english lately, and mostly that's due to sheer laziness on my part. I'll start making a concerted effort to act like I'm a native speaker and over the age of 12.

But I'll be damned if I allow myself to be robbed of my one-liners (especially against Plintus).

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