chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Kovenant84 said:
I just don't like them because my eyes get irritated very easily. Which I guess makes sense because I'm always touching them, but whatever. That goddamn string of goop has to go, and I don't care what anyone says or how gross it is.

what is that string of goop?

i doubt i could ever wear contacts, my eyes get irritated easily too, for instance i can't tolerate to keep my eyes open in water, fresh water, if then it's sea water or something touches them it's horrible. :erk: so i stick with glasses, which are fine in my opinion, except for summer's eternal dilemma: blurry world and sunglasses or defined brain-hurting bright world? :p
Hiljainen said:
what is that string of goop?

Well, if you really want, I'll use my cam to make a video of it, but that would result in quite a bit of :puke:

Basically, you know that crap that accumulates on the bridge of your nose? I've heard people refer to it as 'sleep'. Basically, it's goopy crap from your eyes. I just catch it before it accumulates, and peel it away from the inside of my eyelid in one big line. It's actually pretty gross, but refreshing, in a 'cracking-ones-knuckles' kind of way.

three hours and an unknown number of minutes before it's exactly one year since my father drew his very last breath.

i'm playing rammstein, the pet shop boys 'you are what you eat' remix.
That conversation is making me so thankful I had laser eye surgery. My vision was horrendous; I couldn't do anything without my contacts. My doctor warned me I might not quite get 20/20 from the surgery, since the worse your vision is beforehand, the harder it is to make it perfect. But I did get 20/20. And I don't think it's melodramatic to say it significantly improved my quality of life.

@ hyena: Wow, a year goes by quickly. (Maybe, maybe not.) Will you be visiting your mom in the near future to commemorate the date?
Lina said:
That conversation is making me so thankful I had laser eye surgery. My vision was horrendous; I couldn't do anything without my contacts. My doctor warned me I might not quite get 20/20 from the surgery, since the worse your vision is beforehand, the harder it is to make it perfect. But I did get 20/20. And I don't think it's melodramatic to say it significantly improved my quality of life.

You have to do it again after a while. And after certain age it doesn't matter (it won't help - aging).

I'm going for it in a few years as well ;)
plintus said:
You have to do it again after a while. And after certain age it doesn't matter (it won't help - aging).
:confused: No you don't. It's true that, as you get older, your vision tends to reverse, but that's not expected to begin until your 40s, and I wouldn't mind wearing thin glasses -- it was being blind that I found cumbersome. But no, I've never heard of people having "maintenance" surgery. In fact, they can only perform the surgery if the layer is thick enough to laser some off. I think anything under 20/100 isn't operable.
hyena said:
three hours and an unknown number of minutes before it's exactly one year since my father drew his very last breath.

i'm playing rammstein, the pet shop boys 'you are what you eat' remix.

:Smug: kee it up, huh?

Don't be :cry: please :) .


I went to see King Lear at the National Theater the other day, marvelous, simply marvelous!!! :headbang: :kickass: :worship: . It was presented by "The Theatreal Ensemble TNT" from England.

I don't know WTF "TNT" stands for :p, though I'm sure it's not Trinitrotoluene though ehehee :rolleyes: .
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
I went to see King Lear at the National Theater the other day, marvelous, simply marvelous!!! :headbang: :kickass: :worship: . It was presented by "The Theatreal Ensemble TNT" from England.
It's not that good (well, to me; or maybe it was the actors). Macbeth and Much ado about nothing are far better to me.
Well I guess for ye hehe, though I was refering to the play itslef, the setting, the interpretation, the music, the actors/actresses, not to Shakespeare's play itself.
hyena said:
three hours and an unknown number of minutes before it's exactly one year since my father drew his very last breath.

i'm playing rammstein, the pet shop boys 'you are what you eat' remix.

At least the memories of him won't betray you anymore, nor will he betray your vision of him anymore.

Good luck dealing with your regrets and sadness.
thanks everyone.

@6: i think i am really lucky in this respect, as in: i don't have any regrets. i enjoyed a very close and honest relationship with my dad, so really there is no 'i wish we discussed this' or 'i wish i told him that' that went unfulfilled. of course the sadness is there, however:

@lina: yep, i was just back from my mom's when i posted that message last night. it was a quick visit (fri night-sun afternoon) because i'm swamped by work to do for my new flat, but we managed to spend quite a lot of that time together and anyway i'm having her over for a week in november, since she's planning to attend at least the opening ceremony of a conference in my father's memory which will be held in a town not far from here.
I need to ask what has happened with the uploading of Blind At Heart?:lol:

@Undo Control - Instead of taking my soul, come and have a beer with me. Bring a cd with BAH, too.:saint:

I'm still waiting by the way.
Lina said:
:confused: No you don't. It's true that, as you get older, your vision tends to reverse, but that's not expected to begin until your 40s, and I wouldn't mind wearing thin glasses -- it was being blind that I found cumbersome. But no, I've never heard of people having "maintenance" surgery. In fact, they can only perform the surgery if the layer is thick enough to laser some off. I think anything under 20/100 isn't operable.

Correct - layer. I was at the optometrist (or whoever the fuck that is?), so that's what he told me - they "cut" the layer off with laser, but it's only good for some time (number of years (5+?), depends) And that's before 40 y/o.
I just thought I might mention that a very frequent user here, Lizard, has died. He was a good friend to many, kind, genuine and hilarious. Even though I only spoke with him on a few occasions, even I feel unreal at the moment. There will be an official announcement to come soon, with a guestbook that you can sign to be sent to his wife and son. Donations will be accepted also.
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