Cheesiest Albums

Grave Digger's Excalibur and Rheingold win this topic many times over.

Mispronunciations of legendary swords in Excalibur aplenty, lyrics like I FEEL MY END IS NEAR I THINK I HAVE TO DIE, I PAY A HIGH PRICE FEELING LUST BETWEEN HER THIGHS, and please let us not bring up the lyrical abomination that is The Round Table.

Rheingold ... well ... "I have slain my brotha cuz we hate eachotha" pretty much covers it.

At least they are two of the best power/speed metal albums ever :)
joro410 said:
Just asking, how can black and death metal be cheesy?

personally i think both are at their cheesiest when bands take themselves way to seriously. thats why i'll always take a band like cradle of filth over say dimmu borgir. sorry for using two unpopular examples but it works for me. for me some bands in both genres come off as way too cheesy when trying to be at their most brutal or evil-sounding as well. its not much different than when metalcore bands try to sound all tough and hard when the singers only like 120pounds.
fat bastard said:
personally i think both are at their cheesiest when bands take themselves way to seriously. thats why i'll always take a band like cradle of filth over say dimmu borgir. sorry for using two unpopular examples but it works for me. for me some bands in both genres come off as way too cheesy when trying to be at their most brutal or evil-sounding as well. its not much different than when metalcore bands try to sound all tough and hard when the singers only like 120pounds.

I also think it is like that, especially that example.
unknown said: can you take cradle of filth over dimmu borgir?

in terms of cheesiness, Cradle is way more cheesy than DB

cradles cheesiness is part of the charm just as it is for immortal. too me there's fun in the music whereas with Dimmu it just seems to serious and they almost seem like they're trying so hard to make "art" or something substancial that they forget to have fun playing the music. i like dimmu and all but there always that something missing that keeps them from being a favorite. most of death and black metal is so hokey in concept anyways so why not have fun with it?
Carcassian said:
Listen to Number of the Beast plz

new iron maiden pretty devoid of cheese though if you ever listen to any of it.
i thought that dance of death had some pretty classy tracks on it which keeps the band from looking like an entity trying to recapture former glory. Iron maiden still has lots to offer in my opinion. Judas priest cheese still tastes the best though.:rock: