Chimaira leaked....


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
So the new album was leaked over the past few days. As much as I want to hear it, I refuse to download it... I have too much respect for the band and all the people who helped create it(Andy and the other engineers).

But it's so tempting!!!! It needs to be released ASAP so I can go buy it :headbang:

Edit- It's not being released until March? ughhhh.....
Good for those blokes :rolleyes: The sound quality will suck and it won't compare to a 16 bit cd pressing, which is nothing compared to the sound of the master.

I'll wait for March. Looks to be crusher :headbang:
I've always been curious as to how these get leaked.... Does a band member give away a copy of the final mix to a buddy or something? Do people handling it at the label steal it? Someone's gotta be the one that leaks it....
I've always been curious as to how these get leaked.... Does a band member give away a copy of the final mix to a buddy or something? Do people handling it at the label steal it? Someone's gotta be the one that leaks it....

99% of the time it is the press that leakes the music. There are a lot of metal magazines all over the world to review the album, and some of those people don't seem to care.

They usually get a promo cd.

Rewind to 1997, I was in my late teens: A friend of mine got a tape of a local act's new album, maybe a week or two before it came out. Evidently, my friend got this tape from a friend of his who worked at a record store. So, pinner that I am, I run into the bass player on the street and tell him how rad his new record is.

So I'm thinking how cool I am and how cool this guy is going to think I am because I got to hear his record before it came out, etc etc....and, of course he asks, sternly, "WHERE DID YOU GET IT?" And I was like, "uhhh, my friend works at xxxx store in xxxxx"...

So, immediately, bass player says "THANKS" and takes off. I didn't really think much of it until a few days later when I heard my friend's friend got fired from the record store.

what i will say here will cause some angry to certain ppl but here i go:

i download promo/retail/advance/whatever versions, WHY?

1. i cant fucking wait :heh:

2. the cds manufacted here are expensive, they are even more expensive at the local stores in the city i live

3. the most of the albums arent released here and probably wont

4. imported are 3x sometimes 4x more than the real price

5. i wont pay for a thing overpriced! neither you i guess!!!!


I support the local bands and try to buy cds i can afford and bands i like i buy it anyway, even being too expensive.

Our economy ruins everything! we arent like you... things you would like to have are expensive as fuck (ie. cds/dvds...etc) and things u need (ie. food, etc) arent (too much, it depends of the region u live, my city everything is expensive - there are alot of international oil industries over here - greed fuckers)

the taxes for importing things are high and the most of the good stuffs manufactured here are damm expensive (in general)

the government tries to eliminate the pirate industry with no success since the price of the legalized stuffs are high bcuz of the high taxes for importing these stuffs, same applies to music cds

of course, there are exceptions, last time i visited a store i bought over 25 cds for very good prices.

Like all of you, lovers of music, i'm not different of you guys and i hate these shits, what can we do!?
what i will say here will cause some angry to certain ppl but here i go:

i download promo/retail/advance/whatever versions, WHY?

1. i cant fucking wait :heh:

2. the cds manufacted here are expensive, they are even more expensive at the local stores in the city i live

3. the most of the albums arent released here and probably wont

4. imported are 3x sometimes 4x more than the real price

5. i wont pay for a thing overpriced! neither you i guess!!!!


I support the local bands and try to buy cds i can afford and bands i like i buy it anyway, even being too expensive.

Our economy ruins everything! we arent like you... things you would like to have are expensive as fuck (ie. cds/dvds...etc) and things u need (ie. food, etc) arent (too much, it depends of the region u live, my city everything is expensive - there are alot of international oil industries over here - greed fuckers)

the taxes for importing things are high and the most of the good stuffs manufactured here are damm expensive (in general)

the government tries to eliminate the pirate industry with no success since the price of the legalized stuffs are high bcuz of the high taxes for importing these stuffs, same applies to music cds

of course, there are exceptions, last time i visited a store i bought over 25 cds for very good prices.

Like all of you, lovers of music, i'm not different of you guys and i hate these shits, what can we do!?

It's a sticky situation to discuss this topic. Justifying intellectual property theft with high prices as your reason is still theft in my book. DL'ing leaked albums can be tempting, but in the end -as lame as it sounds- I'd be downright pissed as a signed act if this happened to me and it cut into sales. Hell, I get miffed when some kid on Myspace emails me saying "Hey my friend gave me a copy of your EP and it rocks!" Why didn't he buy it! :erk:

I'm somewhat proud to say I've never, ever downloaded any leaked albums at all. All of the music I download online is through label sites, Myspace, band websites, etc...i.e. the "good" ways :headbang:
I'm pretty sure I got a copy of the last Chimaira record before it was released.:lol: Of course, I went out and bought the thing, the day it was released too. You get to know the meaning of the album better, if you have the liner notes and art work in front of you.
ill admit i download music..but 99.9% of the time after ive heard it and i like it, i'll go buy the CD..mp3's that you download usually sound like shit so thats just another reason to pick up the CD. i guess i like to "demo" the music before i buy it..the way i see it is its kinda like when you go to a store and you scan the CD and u can listen to it there before you buy it.
Eh. I download all kinds of things before they come out. I also pre-order, purchase multiple copies, buy the bands gear at shows (shirts, sweaters, etc).

Unfortunately I am probably an exception.

Regardless, I'm sure the new Chimaira album sounds fantasic Andy. (Great job.) ;)
Well, i really don't like chimaira (or any of the new wave of american metal to be honest) but someone linked me to the new album's leaking. Thinking what the fuck, nothing to lose....

Downloaded it

And fuck me, i actually liked it!


Leaking the CD got them atleast one new listener/purchase of the CD.
i think the ppl who go out of there way to find unreleased material....are the biggest fans of them all...any dumb fuck can walk into a music store and pick a cd up cuz the cover is cool........i support pirating