Classifying Music Genres


Oct 4, 2003
I came across this the other day, when looking at different genres of metal, specifically death and black metal.

Their distinctions are based completely off of lyrics. So you can get a band like Moonspell and Darkthrone both being Black Metal when they sound completely different! And yes, i looked both of them up, they are both Black Metal (the earlier Moonspell stuff was) so please don't argue that. Seems a little stupid to me...
AxeOfDarkness said:
my favorite metal genre always was and always will be..... dun dun dun dun dun "Shut the fuck up and go away mekane! you suck realy bad and dont know shit from shamola!" metal.

I concur.
fuck. if i wasnt so bored i wouldnt even give this thread a passing glance but whatever...

i think black metal and death metal is somewhat related to lyrics, but bm has more of an ambient sound to me. Death is more heavy a "roawrrr" whilst black is more im in pain "rahhhhhhh". And lots of bm-ers use synths to give a more pagan feel. If you listend to more raw and true black metal than you would know, instead of that new CoF album you think your badass for listening to.

Oh gawd, wtf did i just say?

Belgar said:
Yeepeee another great thread by Mekane ... if I could classify yr posting style I would say ... trollish ... but again that is just my opinion.

Yeah mekane, what the hell is up with these threads? Hey I got an idea...ever hear of Fullmoon productions? yeah they have a nice message board. The ppl there are so friendly, When you tell 'em about In flames and Opeth, there surely to just throw away all their Satanic Warmaster, Nachtmystium and Black Witchery cds to get some new cool In Flames and Creed Cd's. Oh yeah, and tell them your'll give you a welcome you'll never forget if you tell them your jewish. I promise.
mekane said:
Their distinctions are based completely off of lyrics. So you can get a band like Moonspell and Darkthrone both being Black Metal when they sound completely different! And yes, i looked both of them up, they are both Black Metal (the earlier Moonspell stuff was) so please don't argue that. Seems a little stupid to me...

Shit, this is worse than the guy who argued that Deicide and Morbid Angel were black metal... the counter argument of course being if they are, who the fuck started the Florida death metal scene.

I guess I'm going to waste my time replying now in the hopes you one day remove your head from your ass and stop relying on websites to tell what's what in metal.

Listen to Immolation. Satanic/anti-xian lyrics, which is usually a black metal thing. Listen to the music. It's pure death metal.

Listen to Immortal. Nothing about Satan. Listen to the music. Pure black metal.

The lyrics don't define the genre. The music does. That's why Amon Amarth is Death Metal and not viking metal.
I really think is time to take a break from the forum, is starting to be pretty bothering.
Im ready to read the next thread that will come out and then Ill quit. Something like "When you had sex for the first time?". Im really waiting something like that, considering the posts during the last time!
God you guys are dicks.

I wasn't making an argument! Those were facts that i posted! The genres ARE defined on lyrics. Maybe the site i went to had wrong information, but seems kind of strange that they would have a 5 page defintion of each and be wrong about it.

What the hell are your problems. I just wanted you to say "fuck your right that is a stupid awy to classify genres, why the hell do they do that?"
mekane said:
God you guys are dicks.

I wasn't making an argument! Those were facts that i posted! The genres ARE defined on lyrics. Maybe the site i went to had wrong information, but seems kind of strange that they would have a 5 page defintion of each and be wrong about it.
Dude wake the fuck up. Just because something is posted on the internet doesn't make it true. There's a many page article floating around proving the holocaust didn't happen, but ya know what? It did, and the article is a bunch of crap. I could write 5 pages saying Britney Spears is black metal, would that make you believe it?
Patric said:
With the exeception of one typo, you wrote GAMING and not gayming ya ignorant cunt.

You are so right, I am ignorant. but it would be quite hard for me to be gay as i am not guy. you could have put lesbian or rugmuncher up there to offend me and it would make a little bit more sense.
*sigh* looks like its going back to being anti-social for me...
but in the mean time Axe, you can remember this line in your head:

CARP+erMUNcH3r 0WnZORED 4xE0PhD4RKnES5 iN h4lo!!

Once I get my Halo game back, Im gonna do some serious pwnage on your ass!