
Originally posted by JayKeeley
I totally agree, but MetalMaiden had a point - I have reached that point now when I feel comfortable resorting to metal as my comfort zone. I don't need to try other genres because I have been there, done it, bought the f'ing t-shirt. I went through every phase in my life of trying other genres, but metal is where the heart is.

I'm not saying that I don't appreciate other genres (especially classical, my god, I could not live without JS Bach) but metal is where my roots are firmly planted. And what a comfortable spot it is...ahh. :)

Some genres I will always hate though - country and western, and modern jazz. I also hate most progressive metal because I think it is pretentious, and generally speaking, the people who listen to prog metal are pretentious themselves. The 'snobs' of metal if you will. (Again - not all prog fans, but some).
Yeah I agree with you on the comfort zone thing. Your commments were good because you actually tried other things. But there are some people who have never given something a shot and shoot it down just because its not "this or that" then you are closedminded. Forming opinions about something involve at least try and some never even "try."
It isn't close minded to try something, then say "I hate it, it sucks, its momma was a whore, quit fucking bothering me about it."

It IS close minded to say all that before you do try it.

Whether or not you think being open/close-minded is a quality is up to you..
I have acutally tried other genres as well- I wasnt sucked into life from the womb loving metal... my first tape was Michael Jacksons thriller... but as I grew older I realized that most other genres just suck.. I listen to classical as well celtic folk like Loreena Mckennit but in some ways that stuff is metal.. especially classical.. if you think about it the structure of Metal is pretty much the same as classical compositions.. almost like the relfection of each other..
the point of my first post was to say that I am tired of having to defend my right to love metal and to be metal.. I wasnt saying that you cant listen to other things and still like metal..
I hate Drum N' Bass for instance, but that doesn't make me closeminded, I just doesn't like that kind of music. I have a friend who's a major fan of that genre, so I've probably heard 2.364.295 drum n' bass tracks, and I haven't liked any of them! That doesn't make me biased, as I said that just not music I like. If you like it, go ahead, but I don't, so I'll have every man's right to say my opinion.
You probably don't care particularly for Lee Hazlewood, but doesn't make you closeminded either, that's just music that apeals to your taste. As simple as that!
It's the same with Jesusatan; If he's heard 34.563 hardcore bands and he thought all of them were crap, hardcore is just not music for him!
Ed, I listen to all kinds of music, just because I didn't list them doesn't mean I only listen to metal, thing is, I only listen to music with talent, I am a musician myself and I know what it takes to write good material, I love Jazz, Led Zep, SRV, BB King, John Lee Hooker, FNM, Beastie Boys and tons and tons of other bands. BUT! Metal is where musicains are let loose with no boundaries. And I will always shit on people for not liking metal and listening to pop shit, and bastardized money music, it is shit, I think we a can all agree on that, BTW the only new "metal" band I have ever liked is Killswitch Engage. All the other "new" shit is exactly that, SHIT!
If there is one thing I always do is check a band or music style out first to see if I like it or not. At one time I bought some rap albums to check out and see what was so great about it. I would listen to Metal then put on a rap album and feel absolutely nothing. In fact rap disgusts me. It is shyte "music" to ME. If that makes me closed minded then no problem, I willl happily be closed minded than listen to something that sounds horrible.
Originally posted by Penny
Sleepless is on The End Records. You should have been paying attention to Ebay. I just sold a copy for cheaper than you can get it at The End. Oh well. Dill the devil, you liked that CD a lot. did you? I just wasn't that impressed with it. What was it that you liked about it?

Well, getting the album free as a promo review copy helped... :D
No, in all seriousness - Sleepless appear to be a band unconcerned with staying within any particular limiting definitions of genre - the song structures and melodies are constructed not around locking into a particular sound, but developing an atmosphere. They've got a flair for musical invention missing in a lot of music today, and are comfortable with experimentation. It's a relaxing and reflective album, which in my opinion is a lot harder to do than aggressive and cathartic.
But, that's just my opinion.
Oh, and thanks to the Hate Pitters for the idea - maybe JesusSatan would like to step into the Pit with Joey and Roger's mum?
Originally posted by AjDeath
Ed, I listen to all kinds of music, just because I didn't list them doesn't mean I only listen to metal, thing is, I only listen to music with talent, I am a musician myself and I know what it takes to write good material, I love Jazz, Led Zep, SRV, BB King, John Lee Hooker, FNM, Beastie Boys and tons and tons of other bands. BUT! Metal is where musicains are let loose with no boundaries. And I will always shit on people for not liking metal and listening to pop shit, and bastardized money music, it is shit, I think we a can all agree on that, BTW the only new "metal" band I have ever liked is Killswitch Engage. All the other "new" shit is exactly that, SHIT!
I don't agree with you there! I don't see why people should be flamed for liking pop music. I think there's loads of popmusic that's good (it's all from the 60's though!). If I feel it, I feel it. If I don't feel, I don't feel it and I'll keep trying until I feel it. This doesn't matter if it's metal or pop. There are some great musicians in metal and most pop are made up of simple chords, catchy melodies and so on, but that doesn't make them talentless. To me musical talent is writing and playing stuff that still holds up long into the future, whether it being pop or metal. Lee Hazlewood for instance is still exciting for a lot of people (although not many people know him) and it's 30-40 years since his best records came out! Although I can't say this for a fact, I doubt that I'll be listening to Marduk in 20 years. Although they might have talent in that way (or practice might be a better word for this band) to write music with power and they can play blastbeats for 4 minuttes non-stop I don't really think they have the talent to make music that has approx. the same amount of fans long after they're gone. Most pop shit nowadays is the same, but pop from the 60's are still interesting to a lot of people today!
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Listen, fair enough if you don't like the hardcore bands you've heard - but when you said 'hardcore is and always will be gay', that was out of order. You've written off an entire musical genre because you haven't liked the bands you've heard so far!

good point.

Originally posted by JESUSATAN
Who cares if someone "writes off a genre" it shoudlnt affect you in any way.

also good point.
Originally posted by JJPLANO
there is a saying in spanish: "sobre gustos no hay nada escrito".

"pero hay gustos que merecen palos" ;)

I agree taste it, and if you don't like, then don't!