COBOT: the Album

Nice memory :) Yep, we got a nice new one. Old drummer (who wasn't actually a drummer, he's a guitar player, but can play some drums and helped us out at first) switched to guitars now that we got a new drummer who can nail all our stuff plus some stuff I can't even think of managing, read Meshuggah's Bleed :kickass:

Cool. Nice things seem to work out for your band. :) I actually had a drummer who could play guitar pretty well, though his main instrument were drums. He was a beast of a drummer, though Meshuggahs Bleed was slightly too difficult for him. Me and him started to jam to that song and at about 10 seconds into it we were fucked. But anyway...I'm not in a band anymore and for the time being it feels great, after playing in about 8 bands in 10 years it's good to have a break. Maybe I'll join a band in the future though, when I get motivated again.
Don't worry, I'll prove myself as gr1m og tr00 once Delanoir and I come to burn down your house this winter :)


Lowburger just added beta vocals to my song.

All I can say is that I felt a strange sensation in my pants.

Damn can't wait to hear that!

Cool. Nice things seem to work out for your band. :) I actually had a drummer who could play guitar pretty well, though his main instrument were drums. He was a beast of a drummer, though Meshuggahs Bleed was slightly too difficult for him. Me and him started to jam to that song and at about 10 seconds into it we were fucked. But anyway...I'm not in a band anymore and for the time being it feels great, after playing in about 8 bands in 10 years it's good to have a break. Maybe I'll join a band in the future though, when I get motivated again.

Bands are fun and nice thing :) I'm in two atm (my dm band and then a kind of joke/have fun/record some stuff at my palce/perhaps play live one day rock band :lol:) and probably will join a thrash-death one soon as their lead guitar player isn't really working on it.
Don't worry, I'll prove myself as gr1m og tr00 once Delanoir and I come to burn down your house this winter :)

Frostbitten black metal isn't just about burning down churches and wearing corpsepaint and black leather and spikes in order to be "gr1m" and "tr00". It's about freeing oneself from the brainwashing hold of the mainstream and what is "popular", more importantly, what the people in "power" want us to believe in order to control us.

The music should pervade and create an atmosphere that isn't necessarily pleasant, but brings a message.
You don't understand, BM isn't for everyone. You need to understand where it comes from and the effect it has on your mind. It's not for the sheep-like masses who like polished commercial shit.
Oh wait..
Ummmmm, just write Finland on your location and troll everyone seems quite obvious.

If it's Joe I have to salute him for trolling everyone so goddamn hard.

:lol: Yeah lol why didn't i think of that?

Anyway, wazzup Phenom, still playing your sevenstring?