COBOT: the Album

I just sold my second M-II, I bought it again and sold it again lol I'm such a fool. yeah I'm playing and composing stuff. Mostly melodic metal stuff.
Ummmmm, just write Finland on your location and troll everyone seems quite obvious.

If it's Joe I have to salute him for trolling everyone so goddamn hard.

Hei Phenom!

Ihan suomalainen oon, ei tarvi sitä epäillä. Bläkkis on vain lähellä sydäntä :)

THAT BEING SAID! (double post)

WERE YOU NOT GOING TO MOVE TO NORWAY?!!!?! I'm pretty sure I remember your motivations of this were equally shitty.

Yeah,but the difference is that I am nordic, and those two are just wannabe-finnish-norwegians. And I wasn't going to move there, just thought about studying abroad, which don't happen at least this year.
I just sold my second M-II, I bought it again and sold it again lol I'm such a fool. yeah I'm playing and composing stuff. Mostly melodic metal stuff.

Oh too bad about the M-II. Ah well, nice nice! Composing for a band maybe?

Hei Phenom!

Ihan suomalainen oon, ei tarvi sitä epäillä. Bläkkis on vain lähellä sydäntä :)

Yeah,but the difference is that I am nordic, and those two are just wannabe-finnish-norwegians. And I wasn't going to move there, just thought about studying abroad, which don't happen at least this year.

Allright, this guy checks out I guess :lol: En epäile enää heh.

Studying abroad would indeed be fun. Not in Norway though, everything there costs an arm and a leg :erk:

Everything recorded
Lyrics written
Beta vocals recorded, final ones coming soon
Mixing also soon
And shooting for the music video, it will be TF2 related (it's a TF2 song). But that is for laters!
Frostbitten ones?

They are not that frostbitten. I had to get someone to do it for me.

I need to go a bit mainstream so I can buy more pigs blood and severed goat heads for my satanic altar.

Nice! Really looking forward this one :) "Unknown" guest vocalist, amirite?

Hehe, nope, it's the almighty lowburger:kickass:

But it srsly kicks ass:kickass:

Oh and let me also add: Guest solo is also on it's way.
That's the guest vocalist I was talking about :) Almighty indeed will it be. Guest solo too? Lowberg also or you gathered like an all-star COBOT to contribute in your song and also got Mitch to do a solo? :lol: If you do, though, you should get Ben Johnson to mix and master it. Then it'd be the ultimate COBOT all-star guest of guest apearances.
Just listened to the first album, fucking good job. Particularly loved the Chosen One, Do We Need This Thread, and Ode to Spaghetti. :kickass:

Needs more grindcore though ^____^ Maybe a grind-remix of Banned from Heaven? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
If somebody needs a guest solo, I'm available.
I don't think I will get a song done for this album.
I wouldn't be offended to give my solo spot to someone else if they really wanted it.


Everything recorded
Lyrics written
Beta vocals recorded, final ones coming soon
Mixing also soon
And shooting for the music video, it will be TF2 related (it's a TF2 song). But that is for laters!

dude we should totally make a music video, I'll dress up like the heavy hahaha

Everything recorded
Lyrics written
Beta vocals recorded, final ones coming soon
Mixing also soon
And shooting for the music video, it will be TF2 related (it's a TF2 song). But that is for laters!

fuck yeah, can't wait to hear how you'll make such br00tality work in that context though :lol: