COBOT: the Album

Sure. What should I play?

(I haven't really been following the thread so much, so if you link me to a tab or sth, that'd be great).

BTW, I have an acoustic as well.

Yeah but i'm thinking of recording quality here. I don't know if you have any good mics to record your acoustic with D:

And... I dunno.. whatever you like. Something slow, clasically inspired, dark/evil shit.

It really doesn't matter, it's just for hearing your quality:)
Yeah but i'm thinking of recording quality here. I don't know if you have any good mics to record your acoustic with D:

And... I dunno.. whatever you like. Something slow, clasically inspired, dark/evil shit.

It really doesn't matter, it's just for hearing your quality:)

Ok, coming up soon.

The quality will be good, since I'd be recording directly through a USB port on the multi-effects pedal.

To get a good mic for the acoustic I'd have to go find one in the music dept. and record there, so I'd rather do it with electric in my room. The sound quality differs little for our purposes.

Got it. Here:
Ok, coming up soon.

The quality will be good, since I'd be recording directly through a USB port on the multi-effects pedal.

To get a good mic for the acoustic I'd have to go find one in the music dept. and record there, so I'd rather do it with electric in my room. The sound quality differs little for our purposes.

Got it. Here:

Very good!

With some kickass reverb that will sound awesome!

You have Guitar Pro yes?
Yes, sorry but I suck right now.. :D
Seriously I like haven't gotten any inspiration in months..
I'll really try to get it finished but I haven't even got the full song composed so no big chance..



I have most of it, I got stuck right at the main solo section lol, and I'm not sure if the chorus part really fits. If you'd like to help me out with it or anyone else then yeah sure I'd be fine with that.

I do admit I am very proud of the solos I came up with for it :)

I meant to make you a backing track, but as I said I have nothing to record with unless I get the software from my friend, or pay my cousin 100 dollars to use his studio =(

I see what could become a team. Mr Bunny has no song and thinks won't make it, Enmity has almost whole song but has to figure out a part and maybe get some help with recording. Work together people!

Also, I think it would be cool if we all got together and calloborated on one song just like on the guitar heroes album.

It would be really cool to hear what everyone has to bring to the table in one song =]


Or maybe one cover of something suprising that we could all participate on.

It would have to be something original though, and not everyone get together and play fucking Downfall lol.

That would be nice, but if people are already struggling to have their songs down it can turn into a pain in the ass doing that, don't you think? If people agree on doing it without extending deadlines even more I'm into it :)
I'm also trying to write sth for the album (no idea if I'll be done anytime soon). I've goot an instrumental intro and main theme, but I need to still work on the middle and the ending after the first theme repeat... Plus lyrics and recording. If anyone's interested in helping editing, or writing/recording drums, that'd be great. Just PM me =)
I'm also trying to write sth for the album (no idea if I'll be done anytime soon). I've goot an instrumental intro and main theme, but I need to still work on the middle and the ending after the first theme repeat... Plus lyrics and recording. If anyone's interested in helping editing, or writing/recording drums, that'd be great. Just PM me =)

I could write you sone uber spastic cannonball drums if you like :D
I'll need someone to do drums for me :D *grins at Ensi*

and I can start recording as soon as I fix my cubase, which has been giving me hell for the last few months.
:lol: no. this song is in all 4/4 and I've already written the drums. the weird time sigs are in another song, for another project.
It would be nice if you make them for me tho. thru that program you have.
:lol: no. this song is in all 4/4 and I've already written the drums. the weird time sigs are in another song, for another project.
It would be nice if you make them for me tho. thru that program you have.

Oh, so you just want a drumtrack with Addictive Drums?

Sure, send over the GP file on MSN and i'll make it. :)
+I see what could become a team. Mr Bunny has no song and thinks won't make it, Enmity has almost whole song but has to figure out a part and maybe get some help with recording. Work together people!

Okey dokey if you guys are willing that's all fine with me :D

That would be nice, but if people are already struggling to have their songs down it can turn into a pain in the ass doing that, don't you think? If people agree on doing it without extending deadlines even more I'm into it :)

Doing a cover shouldn't be too hard since we don't actually have to write anything. We should just take an old, but still kickass song and each of us could do a part of it or a solo :)

I vote Mr. Crowley

Still an epic song to this day :kickass:
Zirkonflex I don't think I'm going to be able to compose something nice on that part you sent me, sorry.
I'm still hoping to submit a song. I've literally worked on about 4/5 different songs, and then given up on them all. I start something, and get pissed off within 20 bars. So I've taken a rock thing that I wrote a while ago and I'm trying to jazz it up a bit with some flashy stuff and harmonic minor crap and hopefully I can have it sorted for the deadline.

I can record it in a day, it's just the writing process that I hate when it's rushed and I've spent so long thinking I'll get somewhere, only to fail miserably.
I can record it in a day, it's just the writing process that I hate when it's rushed and I've spent so long thinking I'll get somewhere, only to fail miserably.

I know what you mean, I have a couple songs nearly complete, but I think some outside input would definitely help out quite alot... Idk, the things I come up with sometimes it's not so much that they sound bad, I'm just not sure that they all fit the songs so I need to really rearrange some shit or get someone in to throw their playing on the song.