COBOT: the Album

I'm still hoping to submit a song. I've literally worked on about 4/5 different songs, and then given up on them all. I start something, and get pissed off within 20 bars. So I've taken a rock thing that I wrote a while ago and I'm trying to jazz it up a bit with some flashy stuff and harmonic minor crap and hopefully I can have it sorted for the deadline.

I can record it in a day, it's just the writing process that I hate when it's rushed and I've spent so long thinking I'll get somewhere, only to fail miserably.

Maybe you should take all those 20-bar segments and put them together :lol: Like a potpourri or something.
I'm still hoping to submit a song. I've literally worked on about 4/5 different songs, and then given up on them all. I start something, and get pissed off within 20 bars. So I've taken a rock thing that I wrote a while ago and I'm trying to jazz it up a bit with some flashy stuff and harmonic minor crap and hopefully I can have it sorted for the deadline.

I can record it in a day, it's just the writing process that I hate when it's rushed and I've spent so long thinking I'll get somewhere, only to fail miserably.

I know that exact feeling. Writing the first 20 bars and giving up, etc. If you're familiar with part-writing for voices tonal/modal (first,second,third,fourth-species) theory-wise, I've found that to be what can help me get going on a dried up song idea. It just seems to give one so much more control in the composing process. At the least it gives you the tools to have some really sensible brainstorming sessions.
^Why don't you contribute to the album too? You seem to know quite a bit theory and although I don't recall seeing vids from you, you look like a nice player. It'd be interesting to see what you do plus the more the merrier :D

@Brent: Dude, how's the drawings for the artwork going? If you feel it's too much (song+drawings) tell me and I'll just go the easy way with a reaper cover as mystique suggested so it doesn't take time of your writing/recording :)

I'm still hoping to submit a song. I've literally worked on about 4/5 different songs, and then given up on them all. I start something, and get pissed off within 20 bars. So I've taken a rock thing that I wrote a while ago and I'm trying to jazz it up a bit with some flashy stuff and harmonic minor crap and hopefully I can have it sorted for the deadline.

I can record it in a day, it's just the writing process that I hate when it's rushed and I've spent so long thinking I'll get somewhere, only to fail miserably.

Don't say that when you're going to end coming up with a song that makes us all go OMFG! :lol:
Hmmm, unsure about my contribution since It still does not have bass. We are recording the demo next week and I have absolutely no time to get recording before that with this school hazzle. So I has no idea...

What I meant thought was that the song I wrote is featured on the demo. We are going to do real drums,bass,guitar and vocals and all that shiz.
@Brent: Dude, how's the drawings for the artwork going? If you feel it's too much (song+drawings) tell me and I'll just go the easy way with a reaper cover as mystique suggested so it doesn't take time of your writing/recording :)

Nah, I'll have the drawing done no problem hopefully, but I start my first day of school tomorrow and my schedule is going to be really fucked for the next few months. Monday-Thursday 8:30am-2:30pm and then go back at 6pm-9pm lol.

All sorts of shitty, but I need to get it done with. The drawing won't be hard, but I think I'm still missing pictures from a few people o_O

My song is the only thing being a douche right now, it's changed so much since I first started writing it that there is probabley only one original riff lol... Writing is a bitch, props to bands who write all their songs in like a month.
^Well, if you can get the drawings done soon it'd be cool so I can start putting them together. Unless you wanna do that yourself too with Photoshop or whatever :)

About the album. are we finally on to an October 15th deadline or so or what? If not I offer again what I posted a page ago or so: Ensi and I are done since long, so we can do like a single with our two tracks and a special added bonus which I think you'll like. Of course if we don't do that the special bonus will still go in the CD (if you guys are cool with that), but you know, if you want more time/a final push to finish your songs and get the whole thing done, offer's here :)

BUT, and big but, if you choose single+extending deadline, please don't extend it more than November 1st PLEASE! I'll post a pic of me on my knees if you want, but please! It's still almost a month till then, so I think there's plenty of time to finish writing if you still haven't and then record.

Also, anyone knows anything about Dave?? He used to be the one who put this thing together and he's the one that can update it, so if anyone has a way to contact it'd be good.
I want you all to discuss it here, the ones who need extensions (you, mystique, brent ...), and then say what to do, but don't ask for a different number of days and conditions each one because then it'll be a mess plox :)
I really don't want to push the deadline on you guys, I should be able to finish my song, I just like I said would like an outside opinion or a little help on it. If anyone is willing I'll put up the link of what I have so far.

I just don't want to prolong this on you guys anymore, but I will be done with the artwork before the deadline, I've just had a lot going on lately with getting enrolled with school and trying to get my license and figure out how to help my girlfriend out with bills. =P

Either way though, I really would love to finish my song, I just think another guitarist and maybe someone who knows something about drums would be a big help, because idk shit about drums...
I really don't want to push the deadline on you guys, I should be able to finish my song, I just like I said would like an outside opinion or a little help on it. If anyone is willing I'll put up the link of what I have so far.

I just don't want to prolong this on you guys anymore, but I will be done with the artwork before the deadline, I've just had a lot going on lately with getting enrolled with school and trying to get my license and figure out how to help my girlfriend out with bills. =P

Either way though, I really would love to finish my song, I just think another guitarist and maybe someone who knows something about drums would be a big help, because idk shit about drums...

If you want blastbeats then I can help
nahsomuch =(...

I'd have to say Kai Hahto is my favorite drummer, so stuff along the lines of what he plays basically.

Such as in Beyond The Dark sun =]
I'll see if I can get something done for you early afternoon tomorrow (your time)
just pm me a gp file of your song
I'll take a look at it and fix0r some drumz0rz when I get home.

TheKid's drums will be moar black methul, while mine will be more metalcore/chuggy awesome china crash'y.
So, I got stuff recorded, turned put pretty well, mainly due to luck with composing drums (sounded awesome right away :D).

Im actually planning to do an entire Album with this sound, two songs are nearly ready (One of them is for Cobot, if thats alright).
The album is gonna be for free and via YT, so nothing serious.

So thats where im at.
Im gonna be away until three days before deadline which is gonna be recording the missing guitars, solos and some Orch., then Mixing.
Im sure I will get it done.
Clear, it was kinde shit I have to admit.
Ill see which song i will use, I now got two.
I don't think it's shit! Sounded pretty brutal.
I just can't get anything to sound good on that, ask Mitch he'll surely know something to throw on there :lol: