COBOT: the Album

rock against communism which doesn't mean the same. I didn't find any proper translation for Rechtsrock.

Well, I have never said in my life that they're a Rechtsrock Band. Many ppl think so - especially some Nazi fags but they don't. I just like their music. Much better than die Scheiße of den Toten Hosen.
Well, I have never said in my life that they're a Rechtsrock Band. Many ppl think so - especially some Nazi fags but they don't. I just like their music. Much better than die Scheiße of den Toten Hosen.

Sorry I read your post wrong. I thought you meant both bands with "fuck ..." - my fault. I love both of them but I dislike Stephan himself and the Onkelz self adulation in most of their songs. For me there is no way "Onkelz way of life".
I am recording :D Jose, I'm going to do my best to try to get all the instruments recorded by friday. then I'm sending it off for guest vocals. if all goes as planned, it will be done by the 15th.

Yay!!! :kickass:

You know, if I was less lazy I would have already contributed haha. I do enjoy listening to what you guys come up with. I've been really working on music as of late though, started writing something with Twisha and working on something with a different friend as well and have some of my own riffs I've yet to complete. My next goal is to make a sweet video for that Alexi Impersonation contest :lol: I already have the ideas planned out and everything, just gotta L2SonyVegas and receive my power adapter and do it. In the future though I do hope to contribute.

That's cool. But don't forget this :) I'm quite interested in what you could come up with. Have heard nothing from you but I feel you can come up with interesting stuff.

Whenever you have the chance to see them live - do it. It was better than 99% of the metal shows I saw. The girls look better, there aren't any fat metalheads and moshing is less brutal.

Too bad you are not a native German speaker. Their lyrics are very very deep. Maybe it's the only popular band I would attest an honest political message.

Maybe one day when my german is better I can enjoy them more :)
maybe for the next one we could team up to do a complete Vivaldi cover. or like somehow mix together Vivaldi and Koji into one song. that'd be pretty sweet.

Vivaldi! Count me in for that project. Album first tho :p

Haha sick. Vivaldi guitar trio ftw. We'll all share a part of the screen and e-own. Well me and Mystique could be on the same screen actually, but whatever works :cool:

That's cool. But don't forget this :) I'm quite interested in what you could come up with. Have heard nothing from you but I feel you can come up with interesting stuff.

:) I appreciate the support even when you haven't heard anything yet haha, I'll be sure to do my best not to disappoint.
Vivaldi trio?

That could be cool actually...

BTW, my song is almost completely composed, lyrics and minor edits on drums remain, then recording. If you deem it worthy of the album, I'd be happy to have it included when it's done.
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Vivaldi! Count me in for that project. Album first tho :p
yeah I was actually saying that the vivaldi song is something that could go on the next album. like a collaboration between us. and with 3 guitarists, we could totally write some counterpoint in there, in case we choose a Vivaldi piece that doesn't already have counterpoint.

That's cool. But don't forget this :) I'm quite interested in what you could come up with. Have heard nothing from you but I feel you can come up with interesting stuff.
yup, I can vouch for this. he throws in some sweet harmonies and melodies.

Vivaldi trio?

That could be cool actually...

BTW, my song is almost completely composed, lyrics and minor edits on drums remain, then recording. If you deem it worthy of the album, I'd be happy to have it included when it's done.
of course it can be on the album...we don't have any restrictions on who can and cannot submit their song.

btw, you should join us for our Vivaldi song. you do play the violin after all :lol:
Vivaldi trio?

That could be cool actually...

BTW, my song is almost completely composed, lyrics and minor edits on drums remain, then recording. If you deem it worthy of the album, I'd be happy to have it included when it's done.

As mystique said, your song is more than wellcome :)

Guys, ist the deadline still Oct 15th? Or was it delayed?

As Ensi said. Are you thinking of taking part? :D

Deadline still 15th oct.

But if people don't get it done by then, me and Hose suggested that we'd release a single, with my song, his song, and a SPECIAL BONUSTRACKZ0R.

:kickass: BTW, I'll play guitar one if you're ok with it :)