COBOT: the Album

^^I'll record your stuff and PM you tonight, sometime. I'm too hungry to do anything right now though, will have to wait till dinner.
Alright well if the deadline (official/unofficial/ensi ep thingy) is the 15th then I think its safe to say I wont be getting anything in. If otherwise, maybe. I've been busy working on my preamp, hopefully soon I'll actually have something to show. Sorry I havent been around :/
Well i have my song, and all the keys recorded, and the drums + bass generated with ad and reason respectively. Jose is trying to do the bulk of my guitars, but i can understand it being difficult to get down, and then eddy should hopefully eventually get round to doing the guitar solos. Not sure what's gonna happen in terms of vocals, i have some lyrics, but nobody to record them really. I have a big dick, that is all
I am incapable of finishing this shit before the end of next week.

I will be stuck in a studio Monday to Thursday and on Friday im'a get drunk after my band has gigged.

So yeah, If everyone finishes and I'm the only one out. Just release it.
I am battling epicly to finish master recording. I'm not sure if I can mix it myself but I'll try. Its coming together alright so far. DERP DERP

Mix is easy. Pan the rythm tracks left and right, leave solos in the centre, and pan the dual solos like 40 or so to each side. Leave drums and bass centre and main vocals too. Gang vocals/secondary vocals to the sides too. Play a bit with the ammount of panning till you're happy. Also, if you want add compressors/eqs/etc.


In which we should start working :lol: I've come up with a tone I find pretty nice for the purpose, I'll pm it to you in a minute and if you're ok with that I'll make a quick bt with AD and start recording :D

maybe you should stop kissing men and giving me software without keygens!

You have Reason working? I may need some quick key making, but I'd send the MIDI so it'd be for you just putting there, setting the tone and rendering so I don't take time from you. That's if you're ok with it :)

working on album art, gotta go to my friends to scan it =]

Cool :kickass:

No worries.

I'm gonna mention is again:

Me and Hose (possibly others, Eddy maybe) is gonna release a single/EP at the 15th. With our songs + a SUPAHIDDENBONUSTRACK (maybe).

This is to keep the excitement up, since it's been a long time since we have realeased anything new.

Then you who haven't finished, can decide on another deadline to finish your shit.

Great idea imho.

I second. I want people to make the songs. I think a good idea would be (if people really needs extension) EP on the 15th or so and then album 25-30th or so :)

Well i have my song, and all the keys recorded, and the drums + bass generated with ad and reason respectively. Jose is trying to do the bulk of my guitars, but i can understand it being difficult to get down, and then eddy should hopefully eventually get round to doing the guitar solos. Not sure what's gonna happen in terms of vocals, i have some lyrics, but nobody to record them really. I have a big dick, that is all

I'm gonna give it a go now and try finish it, because I really just have a lil bit to finish. Hopefully tonight you'll have a sendspace link in your inbox with the tracks :)
I second. I want people to make the songs. I think a good idea would be (if people really needs extension) EP on the 15th or so and then album 25-30th or so :)

I agree with this. We NEED to set the permanent deadline (like on the 25th or whatever) otherwise the "complete" album will never be finished. People will keep coming up with excuses as they have done every time and not many songs will be turned in. I'm sure we've all noticed by now that half the people who say they are going to do something, never end up actually contributing anything. In this sense, I'm glad there are people like Jose and Daniel pushing everyone to get this done.

My status: Finished recording. Just need to fix the drum track and add in vocals.


So, we set an October 25th as final unchangable deadline? Or do you prefer to go for 30th? This will be the last one, all of you contributing HAVE to have the song read by then :) In the meantime Ensi and I will work our asses off to finish the bonus track and provide you with the first COBOT EP :kickass:
^:lol: ok Keine Amnestie für mtv, aber sonst kenn ich echt keinen, also lehn dich mal nich so weit ausm Fenster, von wegen Idiot. Soll das jetzt Allgemeinbildung sein Lieder von (ex)Faschos kennen zu müssen?Ich hab mich für die Scheiße nie interessiert und wenn ne Band Lieder wie Türken raus hat, reicht mir das schon um zu wissen das es Schlasten sind.

Tell me: Have you ever heard "Türkähn Rauhs" that song? Just to make sure: This song was never released, only played live a few time (once in an turkish youth centre - people in the laughed), the only demo (which was recorded even before their first album) of this songs has an audio quality worse than any Black Metal true fuckers wet dream, starts with Marschmusik and mainly consists of the repetition of "Türken raus" spoken in an arkwarded voice. If you care read on here:Lies Seite 9-10

It's funny how everyone focuses on the bands history from 1980-1983 and forgets the following 20 years and the bands statement to the past.
Okay, I dont want to bore the fuck out of everybody so I stop here, if you are interested and German read the shit in the link.
yes, I think October 25th is very acceptable. The later you push it, the more people will drag. We've had many months to works on this now.

so it'll be you, ensi, and eddy on the EP? I'm like 90% sure I'll be ready by the 15th also, so if you need another track on there, you can throw in mine. All my instruments are recorded, and provided the vocals get recorded in the next couple of days, I'll be completely finished :)

p.s. Ensi check your fb.
I don't understand why everyone loves Jazz IIIIs so much.


-Small, meaning compact, so it doesn't stick out and get it the way like regular picks do.
-Good grip, stays firmly in your hand if it ain't greasy.
-Stiff, especially good for metal, as it makes picking the notes easier, and makes the notes stronger.
I don't understand why everyone loves Jazz IIIIs so much.

I actually dislike standard jazz iii's very much, the material is so damn slippery/crappy-feeling and the tip of the pick seems rather uneven and plus those bitches wear down fast.

Ultex jazz iii's are my friend though, much better grip and overall superior feel, although some people dislike their attack because they're just slightly not as sharp. Eric Johnson jazz iii's are pretty nice too.

But to answer your question it's because they are simply the tried and tested pick which is sharp, thick enough to not bend, and provides a nice strong attack which is especially beneficial for metal. There are certainly other picks out there that can give you virtually the same benefits though.

-Good grip, stays firmly in your hand if it ain't greasy.

Fail, standard jazz iii's have horrible grip:lol: