COBOT: the Album

Fail again. My hands are rather small, girl-sized tbh, and not greasy at that. Ultex/eric johnson jazz iii's are the same size as red/black jazz iii's. It's the material it's made out of that makes all the difference. There are so many picks that have far better grip than those things. Even those tortex's.

My mom probably does have horrible grip actually. She is 5 feet tall and weighs slightly less than 100 lbs olol.
ive actually never tried a tortex jazz. i want to though actually, seems like they'd be good. the one thing i was always a bit bothered with was the non-aggressiveness of the sound that tortex's seemed to give me. from looking at online pics the tortex jazz seems to be pretty sharp though so perhaps that problem is solved. the ultex jazz seems to have a slightly more rounded tip. the material itself is really nice, kinda similar to tortex but a bit of a harder material and i think better grip. if i try out that exact tortex pick i'll let you know.
Bset pick ever:

I have to admire that Dunlop 1mm Nylon picks are like the good version of jazz III's.
They sound much better cause they dont scratch the string that much, its very nice (Theyre softer).
I use JIII's on solos though, they are the most accurate pleks.

WooOOOot !?
New deadline ?
Seems that i can finish orch. in time ... yeah.
But I would have made it until 15. too.
yes, I think October 25th is very acceptable. The later you push it, the more people will drag. We've had many months to works on this now.

so it'll be you, ensi, and eddy on the EP? I'm like 90% sure I'll be ready by the 15th also, so if you need another track on there, you can throw in mine. All my instruments are recorded, and provided the vocals get recorded in the next couple of days, I'll be completely finished :)

p.s. Ensi check your fb.

Well, initially it was going to be Ensi and me because the songs were finished, that's how we came with the idea of the EP/single. But if you people start finishing songs for the 15th then we can just do the whole album on the 15th :D

k twisha, I will.

Also, this thread is so pictureless it's HORRIBLE.

So here:



Fail, standard jazz iii's have horrible grip:lol:

Not really. I never loose those. I'm getting into the red ones atm, which is fucked up because I have a 24 pack of black ones and then a smaller pack of 6 red picks :lol:

WooOOOot !?
New deadline ?
Seems that i can finish orch. in time ... yeah.
But I would have made it until 15. too.

Don't worry, take your time.