COBOT: the Album

Install that, right click COBOT EP thingy, press Extract Here, go into the folder that pops up.

And Crazy Violin guie, Lowburger mastered it, I think it fit with that it had lots of reverb. :) Maybe a tad too much on the second violin, but watevar.

Thanks to everyone:)
Haha awesome guys, really looking forward to the full album now.
So how many songs are there finally going to be on there?
:lol: Wtf are you guys doing on the forum... go out, start a band, put out a cd, tour a bit, get some pussy, have fun... this is too high calibre for a fucking online cd :lol: There's cunts around here that are really successful locally and can't even fucking pull off anything this well done :lol: Take these songs put it in a portfolio and apply to music college or something, DO FUCKING SOMETHING JESUS.
So I just listened to all 3 songs, and then when the black widow cover came on I went :OMG: Shit was awesome, it definitely had a bit of originality to it, but still came out a badass cover.

Violin solo on the first song was really cool too.:kickass:
Hey guys, that EP was great shit!

Ensi: Damn man that was really good! And I mean it! Tone was really good, drums sounded great. Solo's were a bit predictable, but not much. Around 3:00 -> this sounds like Dimmu Borgir, at least the keys. Violin solo fitted in good. Sir, you got some talent.

This could only been better with your frostbitten vocals.

Hose: Nice song, mayyybe little generic, but good overall. Nice keyboard sound.

Black Widow cover: Decent, not gonna blow my mind or anything. I didn't like the vocals at all. Solo was great. Maybe you should have tried something of your own in here?

Great work overall, guys! :D