COBOT: the Album

Well, I'll get something recorded soon! :D I will program the drums just now, and I'll need to get someone to make a decent sounding piano and bass track (bass because it sounds terrible when I record onto my computer, must be the sound card or something) and I can't get FL to work, so could someone do it for me if I send you them? I also asked Marfal to do some for me for one of the other songs I'm recording at the moment!

I may be able to help you for the recording of the piano track.
My problem is that I never actually recorded drums before, and that i only see my drumkit 2 days a week or sometimes 2 days in 2 weeks. :erk: and my tone is shite too. I recorded some geeturs but i wasnt very satisfied
See if you can maybe pitch shift the snare down a tiny bit, and add some compression to it. It would sound awesome. You have a good start I think.
Ok people request for anyone who wants to help me out: can someone make me ''good'' drum and bass tracks (they can be programmed, it doesn't matter) for my song? Everything is written except a couple of leads to enlighten a song which originally has vocals on it :lol: But I don't want drums and bass to be Fruity Loops if I can avoid it, so if someone could provide me with a cool drumtrack made with DKFH or whatever it'd be great. I may try to record the bass myself, but if someone could make an artificial bass track with a nice sound it'd be cool too. Thanks in advance! I'll try and get some stuff recorded this weekend if I can.

My song is almost done, it just needs an ending and vocals, Mitch is working on his solo and I'm waiting to hear back from Fetzer about his keyboard solo. Part of the reason it got slowed down was that I had to set up my guitar in E and haven't had a lot of free time to re-set it back in D.

It is still on though!

Great! :kickass:

Oh and a question: when we're done with the songs, should we send you a session file and all the tracks or the whole thing as a single track or what?

Can I also put my Kantry Song in here I've posted a few weeks ago in the guitar players thread? It's a complete 2 min song.

I'm in for that, that song rocked. I still have it in my mp3 player :lol:

I still listen to that sometimes:D

Same here.
I Can provide drum tracks for you if you program them in Guitar Pro or in a midi file. I cant really devote time to actually writing your entire drum tracks for you but I can do small edits and stick them through DKFH.

I would prefer people mix their own songs but if they dont feel comfortable mixing I can help
If people send me their own mixes I can master them (some compression, EQing to make the different songs the same volume, and punch you in the dick)
I'm gonna try some recording today to see if i can get a decent tone from my inbuilt microphone on my comp :lol:. I have nothing better to record with.
I Can provide drum tracks for you if you program them in Guitar Pro or in a midi file. I cant really devote time to actually writing your entire drum tracks for you but I can do small edits and stick them through DKFH.

I would prefer people mix their own songs but if they dont feel comfortable mixing I can help
If people send me their own mixes I can master them (some compression, EQing to make the different songs the same volume, and punch you in the dick)

I have the whole drums written, it'd be only making the drumtrack with DKFH.

About mixing/mastering I don't really know what each one means, but the only thing I'm confident with doing is adding some effects (choruses/wahs from the pedal/flanger/whatever) and panning/volume, anything else.
I Can provide drum tracks for you if you program them in Guitar Pro or in a midi file. I cant really devote time to actually writing your entire drum tracks for you but I can do small edits and stick them through DKFH.

I would prefer people mix their own songs but if they dont feel comfortable mixing I can help
If people send me their own mixes I can master them (some compression, EQing to make the different songs the same volume, and punch you in the dick)

I don't have a dick, but I'll take you up on this offer of mastering the song :p