COBOT: the Album

Ah god, my song is like two in one. First it starts off with a Emin rock type thing but then eventually manages to switch into E phrygian with an Yngwie sound to it. I dunno whether I should try and keep it all sounding the same or just go with the flow and have different sections in it.

Go with the flow man. If bands like Queen "kept it all sounding the same" then they wouldn't really be what made them what they are today. Variety is the spice of life.
As of yesterday, I have started demo-ing some voice tracks for Marie's song. Once I get some sections nailed down, and Marie finalizes the composition, I'll be able to hit the studio we have at my radio station and professionally record my parts. FOR FREE! :lol:

Also, those who have approached me about singing on their songs, feel free to add me on AIM/MSN/whatever Internet communication service you might use, and talk to me about what you'd like to do. I usually like to hear at least a rough MIDI sketch of what the song will sound like and use that for lyrical inspiration. If you have your own thoughts that you'd like to contribute, though, I'm more than happy to hear them. :)
Wow that's going pretty fast! I'm going to have to hurry up :lol: I have some riffs done and ideas, but any whole song or anything. Man, making an instrumental song is waaaaay harder than making a normal song for a band.
I got some riffs and songs for yer ass but unfortunately I am a retard when it comes to using Guitar Pro and writing drums in it....Oh lawd no! I could try though.
I made up a cheesy metal song last night.
Although, I started tabbing on a program called Tabit, and have since refused to make the switch to GP.

I really don't want to re-write it :p
anyone else use Tabit? Converting to a Midi then opening in GP tends to fuck it up.
I made up a cheesy metal song last night.
Although, I started tabbing on a program called Tabit, and have since refused to make the switch to GP.

I really don't want to re-write it :p
anyone else use Tabit? Converting to a Midi then opening in GP tends to fuck it up.

GP5 can import Tabit files I do believe.
Go with the flow man. If bands like Queen "kept it all sounding the same" then they wouldn't really be what made them what they are today. Variety is the spice of life.

Yeah, true. Although last night, I listened to it from beginning to end and the bit where it changes is just rediculous, I'd be better off making two songs from them both, so I think I'll try and keep the first half and made a different section that's still kinda similar.

And, I have a new "tool" to help me with this lil' project, I'll post pics later...
Me and marfal thought about a cover of EID by COB with my vocals and him playing the guitar...I'll talk to him about this issue and see to get this thing done.

Btw, Chris already heard some of my vocals :oops:
By the way, I'd really like doing keyboards solo for other people's song, so feel free to ask me :D

I'd be interested in that. Lemme get some ideas done and I'll send you the GP file ok?

Yeah, true. Although last night, I listened to it from beginning to end and the bit where it changes is just rediculous, I'd be better off making two songs from them both, so I think I'll try and keep the first half and made a different section that's still kinda similar.

And, I have a new "tool" to help me with this lil' project, I'll post pics later...

SWEEEEEET! Already there?? Picspicspicspics and recordings dude! We want to see and hear that!