COBOT: the Album

Kevin, tell me if you want to make a keyboard solo for my song, it's the same song you added stuff to some time ago, though now I finished it and re-wrote the keys to something much more simple. but there is a section that could be great for solos, I'd like you to play a keyboard solo if you feel like it. I'll send you the GP file if you want it, just tell me.

Oh and if anyone has a song written and doesn't know how to or what to write for the drum parts, I could write them in GP, I don't have anything to do next week since there is no school so just send me the file by e-mail or PM...
By the way, I'd really like doing keyboards solo for other people's song, so feel free to ask me :D

cool Fetzy. I'll probably use your help also. I haven't started doing anything for this project yet, but hopefully by next weekend I'll have some time to start it.
Kevin, tell me if you want to make a keyboard solo for my song, it's the same song you added stuff to some time ago, though now I finished it and re-wrote the keys to something much more simple. but there is a section that could be great for solos, I'd like you to play a keyboard solo if you feel like it. I'll send you the GP file if you want it, just tell me.

Send it! :kickass:

cool Fetzy. I'll probably use your help also. I haven't started doing anything for this project yet, but hopefully by next weekend I'll have some time to start it.

Contact me when it will be done!
I want to do the album art :D

or try ..... =D

i'm sure i can do something on photoshop.
Mine is done, and re-written to guitarpro, except the drums, since I don't want to spend all that time re-doing the fills and whatnots :S
I can make a midi of the drums I made up in Tabit though.

Where am I uploading this shit : /
To clarify, because some people just don't know when to quit: My clean singing is a lot better than the crap you hear in the latest Codi/Gonzo toon, because a) Normally I'm not trying to sing a female's part, b) I'm not singing when I have fucking allergies closing my throat and making me sound like I'm singing through a pipe, and c) I'm usually not singing into a shitty $5 computer mic that I bought at the Salvation Army.

So yeah, if you do want actual clean singing that will sound good from me, just ask for samples. There's a reason why I've been the bass section leader in my school's choir for three years straight.
a) Normally I'm not trying to sing a female's part, b) I'm not singing when I have fucking allergies closing my throat and making me sound like I'm singing through a pipe, and c) I'm usually not singing into a shitty $5 computer mic that I bought at the Salvation Army.

None of these 3 things dont make you sound so fucking retarded as you sounded.

Seriously, even with a male part, a good throat, and a 2000$ mic, you'd sound like a fucking drunk gorilla. kthnx
None of these 3 things dont make you sound so fucking retarded as you sounded.

Shhh... there were a lot of things I could of made fun of him for (WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING ELECTRONICS FROM THE SALVATION ARMY???!!) but I let it slide in hopes he will post something to prove us wrong.
Shhh... there were a lot of things I could of made fun of him for (WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING ELECTRONICS FROM THE SALVATION ARMY???!!) but I let it slide in hopes he will post something to prove us wrong.

How about because I have to save money since I'm in college and I actually WANT to move out of my mom's house when I graduate college?

Not all of us can live at home in our parents' basements until we're 30, dude.

And honestly, there would be no point to me posting anything anyway, because you'll just ream me no matter how I sound.