COBOT: the Album

Dave I'm completely done, but since the deadline is now the 7th I'll send you the track then just in case I decide to do any last min tweaks.

oh and for laughs, this was my original song I wanted to do before I decided to do a serious metal song Riot New.mp3

It's not finished but it's cheesy as shit lol

If this one wasn't serious.. I can't imagine your real one...
children of COB - Completely done.

If you people think the album is short I can add a 2nd song which I have fully recorded already. It's supossed to have punk-weird-phil anselmo vocals from a friend of mine but I think it can be fun too without them if you want more songs. But as finally people has popped up and we have some more songs plus Ensi and Chris are working on another one I think we'll have enough songs.

About making a jam for the next one, I'm down for it, could be pretty cool!

I'm still down to do vocals for people if anyone wants any done, since Ensi didn't need me and Matias still hasn't done shit.

Nah, it's ok, it's fully instrumental again, full of leads and melodies :kickass:

hey guys, i'll extend the deadline a few days to the 7th (i'm busy most of the 6th so wont be able to sort it out.) Maybe we can add a forum jam to the next one? Can everyone please update their status please.

I'm completely done with mine.

Dave I'm completely done, but since the deadline is now the 7th I'll send you the track then just in case I decide to do any last min tweaks.

oh and for laughs, this was my original song I wanted to do before I decided to do a serious metal song Riot New.mp3

It's not finished but it's cheesy as shit lol

Not bad actually, we'll see what you finally sumbit, but if you think it's way better I'm sensing some epicness coming :kickass:
^I just wanted to do a cheesy 80s song with stupid vocals lol That's my friend singing BTW, I wish I could do that lol

My actual song shaped up pretty good, I went for a more "normal" structure approach for this one (the one for the last COBOT album, I was just trying my hardest to stick random riffs everywhere and be as bodom-y as possible on purpose :lol: )

I also experimented doing lower vocals instead of the shrieky/throaty high ones and it sounds more natural for my voice haha
It sounds wayyy different, you probably couldn't tell its the same person doing vocals if I didn't tell you
My actual song shaped up pretty good, I went for a more "normal" structure approach for this one (the one for the last COBOT album, I was just trying my hardest to stick random riffs everywhere and be as bodom-y as possible on purpose :lol: )
It worked though, man. The song kicked ass. :lol:
^I just wanted to do a cheesy 80s song with stupid vocals lol That's my friend singing BTW, I wish I could do that lol

My actual song shaped up pretty good, I went for a more "normal" structure approach for this one (the one for the last COBOT album, I was just trying my hardest to stick random riffs everywhere and be as bodom-y as possible on purpose :lol: )

I also experimented doing lower vocals instead of the shrieky/throaty high ones and it sounds more natural for my voice haha
It sounds wayyy different, you probably couldn't tell its the same person doing vocals if I didn't tell you

:lol: I did notice that it was Bodomy as fuck, but didn't know it had been completely on purpose :lol: It went really well though, it's an awesome song! Can't wait to hear the new one, and also tell your friend that he rocks :kickass:
I really can't decide if my song is gonna have the added bass drum or just leave it like the original.

Since I deleted all my recorded files, I couldn't replace the whole drumtrack, so my only option was to make another drum track with ONLY the bass drum and add ontop of the song.

Hear for yourself. The one with added bassdrum sounds out of beat.
So has anybody made album art? :p

I'm in the process of doing so. It's probably not the greatest looking out there thus far, IMO, but if anybody else would care to take a stab, then feel free. :lol:
