COBOT: the Album

yeah, it's titled Valley of Nis.

I just got home, I'm gonna download Jose's solo and put it into the song. Dalanoir never sent me a solo, after promising he was gonna do it. Last year, I remember I wrote and recorded guitars for Fetzer's song. and he never followed through with it, never recorded his keyboard parts. From now on I'm only gonna collaborate with those of you who are actually dependable and responsible. Lesson learned.

and I honestly would've had this in by Wednesday night if it wasn't for Delanoir. thank you guys so much for waiting.
Don't worry, we have your song and that's what counts :) What do you think about the artwork?

And Dave: now we have it all, when you go online PM me the tracklist and I'll finish the artwork.

I'm out in an hour though, so if he's not online in that time I'm sorry but the artwork won't be ready till tomorrow mornig (my mornig, which is in 14 hours since now more or less).
how do I convert a .wav file into an mp3 file? Jose sent me his solo in .wav and the tempo is really off. it doesn't match up with the BT, so I'm thinking maybe this is because it's in .wav?
The problem could also be that your soundcard isnt recording at the same speed as his, or if you didn't send him the BT and he did it with Guitar Pro that might be the problem too.
:lol: 2:16 am on the 9th here in Spain. I'm back from the most boring party day I've had in ages. Didn't even get to drink. It was so boring from the start that was pointless even to start. I guess I can't complain though, Wednesday and Thursday were awesome, much better than I expected :lol:
I'd say the deadline itself is dead :lol: I'm holding here way longer than I'd usually do to see if Dave comes and I finish the stuff, but I think I'm gonna go to bed and do it tomorrow after rehearshal if Dave shows up then. I'm sleepy as fuck.

BTW, for the artwork do you want names or usernames? I know Swabs last time used usernames, but maybe you want names this time. Tell me what you prefer. My vote is that I don't care. Pretty much everyone here (at least in this thread) knows my name and my username is kind of hard to forget too (ah good 15, when I hardly knew what an E-minor arpegio was :lol:), so I don't care.
Don't worry daniel. I'm finished. Shit happens when you work with other people, you have to rely on them to also do their share. On the other hand, if I didn't plan on having any guest solo in here and I was the only one this recording relied on, I would have had this finished by the deadline, meaning Monday. I hate procrastinating, I always get my shit done on time if it's just me.

Jose thank you so much again!
You're wellcome. It was fun :D And challenging :lol: It was like on the same day the deadline expired you asked me to do it and I was like ''Oh fuck!!! What do I do now?? Ideas come to me!" :lol: But after 10-20 loops of the BT ideas started to come and in the end wasn't that bad :D
I'm drunk and I want an album :mad:


And Twisha don't worry about making us wait longer, it just makes us more excited for the album :)